xxiv. terbium

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"GUESS WHO IS BACK. THE Marin Headlands last night. David Atley and Nicole Puli both 24, both Grad Students at Berkeley, shot multiple times in their vehicle... wait for it..." Penelope shows a picture of the car with familiar circle with the cross in the center, drawn in blood on the windshield. Willow leans back in slight disbelief.

"The Zodiac?" Derek asks, obviously taken back by this.

"No way." Rossi shakes his head, not wanting to believe this.

"Come on, it's gotta be the 2.0 version." JJ says, just as shocked as the rest is.

"Yeah, you would think so, except for the crazy similarities in the M.O.. I'm talking same victimology, same geography. And two souvenirs were left at the crime scene." Garcia says, clearly convinced of the possible comeback of the notorious serial killer, showing the photo that was left at the crime scene.

"He left a photo?" Willow questions, frowning at that information.

"Mm-Hmm. Local police say that is Marcia Miller. She was found near NAPA in 1971. Strongly suspected that she was a victim of the Zodiac, but Police never confirmed it and they didn't publicise the case." Garcia answers and Willow's frown deepens even more.

"So the Zodiac took this photo at the killing and then saved it all these years?" Derek asks the wide eyed Tech Expert.

"The Zodiac's last confirmed victim was the cabdriver Paul Stine. He mailed pieces of Stine's bloody shirt along with his letters to prove it was him. This photo could prove he's back." Rossi points out, making Willow hum in agreement.

"Oh... you just mentioned a bloody shirt? This is the second souvenir that was left at the crime scene. Preliminary tests say that the blood type is O-Negative." Garcia says as pulls up another picture.

"Same blood type as the cabdriver." Rossi concludes.

"So how old would Zodiac be by now? The murders took place in the late sixties?" JJ asks uncertain, looking around the room before looking back at Garcia.

"Yeah. Uh, December 20, 1968 to October 11, 1969, but he was suspected of other crimes and he sent letters and codes to newspapers until 1974." Garcia answers her, obviously concerned.

"Well, at the very least the Zodiac would have to be about 60 by now." Derek points out, making Willow bite her lip.

"It doesn't take a lot of strength to pull a trigger." Willow says, making JJ nod in agreement.

"No, but it takes a lot of skill not to get caught for 40 years." Derek says, making Hotch push his seat back as he closes his file.

"Have Reid and Prentiss meet us in San Francisco." Hotch says to Garcia who nods as they all back up and make their way out of the meeting room.

"Yes, sir." Garcia nods, as she watches them leave.

"I'm surprised you didn't join Spencer and Emily." Derek tells Willow, making her look up and raise an eyebrow questioningly. "You and Spencer are always inseparable, not to mention you and Emily are now basically always together since you came back from Paris."

"That's not true." Willow gasps defensively as they make their into the elevator, Hotch pushing on the ground floor button.

"So, true. No need to deny it. I'm convinced if you break up with Spencer, Emily would be your rebound." JJ says teasingly, making Willow gaps at her, as Derek snorts and Rossi chuckles while Hotch tries to hold back a smile.

"If anyone in this elevator is going to hookup with Emily, my bets are on JJ and Hotch." Willow huffs, making Hotch look over his shoulder at her with a raise eyebrow. "What? It's true."

"I feel like Willow is the only one who could get away with saying that." Derek chuckles, making the brunette shrug with a wide grin.

"It's part of my charm." Willow says as they get out the elevator and make their way out of the building, towards the jet.

"Bottom line is Zodiac is the most well documented unsolved serial killing case in modern times." Rossi as soon as they've all settled on Jet. He is sitting across from Hotch, with JJ next to him and Derek sitting next to Hotch, while Willow is seated on the long couch next to them.

"There have been two known copycats." Hotch says as he looks through the files.

"Correct. The first one was Heriberto Seda." Garcia says through the laptop screen, making Willow look up from her file at her. "He killed 3 and wounded 4 in New York. And then there was a 14 year old in Japan named Saito Sakakibara. He killed two other children and left the sign of the Zodiac behind."

"The fact is, the Zodiac was driven by a need of notoriety and control." Willow says, making Hotch look at her with a nod.

"He enjoyed the terror he spread through the city." Hotch says before looking back towards Rossi and JJ.

"Well, then he stopped. After his last letter in '74, he vanished." JJ pointed out.

"Most likely wound up in a prison or a mental hospital." Rossi suggests.

"Maybe he was just released and picked up where he left off." Derek shrugs, making Willow hum in thought.

"I will search for anyone recently freed or discharged after 40 years." Garcia states, making everyone look towards the screen.

"It's a long time to be dormant with no evolution in the M.O.." Hotch muses, as he looks at Rossi who nods.

"Agreed. Even a serial killer has to grow up."

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