xxv. dysprosium

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"HE HASN'T HAD A VISITOR IN ages. He used to get so many when he was with the NAPA P.D.. Bob? These people are from the FBI." The lady leads Rossi, Derek and Willow into the bedroom of the lead detective back in the late 60s, during the Zodiac killings.

"Hello, detective. We're Agents Rossi, Derek and Doctor Crawford." Rossi greets the man, making Willow softly smile with a nod in greeting.

"He has Parkinson's. This is one of the bad days." The lady says, making Willow huff slightly.

"Well, ma'am, maybe you could help us out. It won't take very long." Derek says, making her look up at Derek and Willow.

"This is about the Zodiac, isn't it? I've been watching the news." Bob's wife says, making Rossi raise his head slightly.

"Did Bob ever talk about his work?"

"That's all he talked about. I tried to move his old boxes out, but he got so agitated, I had to bring them back." She answers Rossi, making the three turn to look at the boxes stacked up in the corner.

"Do you mind if we take a look?" Willow asks, making the wife smile warmly.

"Help yourself. Excuse me, I have to get his medication." She answers, before leaving them in the room alone, with the bedridden detective.

"Wow, she wasn't kidding when she way saying he likes to surround himself with his work." Derek says as he takes a look at the profile sketches and news articles on the walls.

"These are all about Marcia Miller,who does un '71 and possible killed by Zodiac." Rossi says as he opens up the first box and they each pull a file out.

"Guys, these are crime scene photos. Take a look at this. Marcia Miller's photo could have come from this batch." Willow points out as they look over some of the pictures.

"You know, a guy this obsessed with work probably used his own camera." Rossi says, just as the detective starts groaning, causing the three to look up. Rossi, in three large strides walks up to the bed with the file. "Detective, did you take these pictures yourself at the crime scene? Now, you can blame once for yes and twice for no. Did you take these?"

"Sir, is it possible that someone could have come in here and stolen one?" Derek asks as Bob answers yes to both their questions.

"Do you know who?" Willow asks, but the detective blinks twice as a no, just as the wife walks back in with a tray. "Mrs. Zablonsky, you said your husband used to get a lot of visitors?"

"Oh, yes. They were all people obsessed with the Zodiac." She answers, making Rossi pull out a notepad.

"Well, do you think you can write down the names of all those that you remember?" Rossi asks as she hands her the notepad and takes the tray out of her hands.

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