Chapter 21.

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     Selena didn't jump for a long time.  I shouted to her, but apparently she did not hear.  I already relaxed, as I realized that something was wrong.  She staggered and fell like a stone.  I came to my senses in time and had time to intercept her during the flight.
     The flames almost completely hid the escape path, but I did not hesitate a second to try my luck.  I dragged Selena in my arms, trying not to drop her and not to breathe myself.  I just ran forward.  Along this very only living path.  It seemed to go on for an eternity.  Having run out from there, I did not even look back how far behind the flame was.  I just ran and ran.  I was stopped by a worker.  It turned out to be a doctor.  He took Selena and escorted me to the ambulance.  I was in a state of shock.  People tried to talk to me, but I didn't hear.  Either I was like this because of everything that happened, or I was afraid of losing my princess.  Most likely both, but the second did not leave my head.  This got me thinking.  I woke up and started yelling at the doctors to do something this very second.  They were frightened by my screams and, as if automatically, began to do some kind of rescue actions.  Already 10 minutes later, from the conversation, I realized that they have put some kind of thing that supports her breathing.  Well, I don’t know all these medical stuff.
     They treated Selena's wounds and burns, and then came up to me.  I did not calm down and asked them about her health.  She still cannot breathe.  This destructive smoke entered her lungs and now destroys all her organs there.
     Tears rolled down my eyes.  This is the first time I cry.  I cannot watch my love die, but at the same time I could not do anything.  The doctors saw my panic and began to inject me with a sedative.  I pushed them and ran to the bed with the girl.  I shook her hand with all my strength, then threw myself onto her shoulders.  The doctors tried to drag me away, but I resisted.  I accidentally punched one of the doctors in the nose, so he needed help as well.
     Somehow they reassured me.  Arriving at the hospital, Selena was taken to a ward or even an operating room, did not hear what the doctors were saying there.  I was also given a separate room, but I was not going to go there and stayed near Selena's room and waited until ...

  Did you like the chapter?  Continued in part 22!

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