(39) Trust Me

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In which somebody's being a little stubborn.

what am I doing with my life?


"Holy shit. You look worse for wear dude."

Were the words that came out of the Diamond boy's mouth as soon as the door's completely wide open. This, of course, caused the pink-haired hero to give the former a hardened glare.

Although what Skeppy did say was correct. Techno does look like he hadn't slept for two weeks. With the dark bags, messy hair... Skeppy noticed the way the pink head's eyes were a bit puffy and red. Saw the faint trails of unmistakable tears on his cheek; his nose being tinged pink hue.

He kept his mouth shut.

"What do you want." If this was a sorry speech for Techno, he doesn't want any of it.

Zak's eyes narrowed, opened his mouth to give out a quick comeback about David's attitude but also remembered that the guy was most likely being rude from having such an awful rejection. Who wouldn't be? So instead of arguing, he decided to spill what he came for.

"Look, I don't know what happened in that date you guys had-"

Technoblade squinted his eyes. "Who said it was a date-" Yet Skeppy cut his off by holding a hand up, quite determined to pass on his message.

"I don't know what happened. Okay? But I know my best friend. I know that every time he becomes unfocused and strangely silent, that something terribly wrong is bothering him." David stayed still, his brown eyes boring at the top of Zak's head. The latter ignored it.

"What I'm trying to say is that will you guys just talk it out? It's quite obvious that you guys are being incredible fools for not interacting with each other.

Grabbing his satchel off the floor next to the door, David ran a hand through his pink cotton candy hair followed by a huff. "What are you getting out of this, Skeppy? Aren't you supposed to be glad that both Bad and I are staying away from each other? Wasn't this your goal in the first place?"

Zak rolled an eye.

"Yes. Yes, it was my goal. As I said before, I wanted to protect him at all cost–"

Technoblade stepped aside, checking to see if he could pass through the side and out of the shorter male's way. Experimenting, he took his left foot forward; as expected in his head, Skeppy followed his movements, also stepping aside to block his way.

"–But I know he's hurting, and I don't want to see my best friend suffering on something he thought is right."

The taller hero took an alternative step to the right. Maybe he could pass through this way? ...Nope, since the other male had barred his way once again.

With an annoyed expression, Zak let out an exasperated groan before yelling out, "He liiikes you!" With arms raised high.

David raised a brow at this and his heartbeat quickened. Does he?
...is impossible.

A small hope lit up his face before quickly being replaced with a cold, pained one.

Gritting his teeth, Technoblade stepped forward, this time actually threatening Skeppy that he could physically shove him and go on his merry way.

"Excuse me, but I believe that I have a mission to attend to."

This time, Skeppy stepped aside, making a way for him to pass. Shrugging off the dread that had accumulated upon his shoulders, Technoblade put on his satchel and walked off with tense shoulders.

"Are you seriously going to give up now? Dude, I'm trying to help you out. This is a one-time thing and I'm not going to do this again. I got Bad waiting by the side and I'm telling you right now, if you leave, you won't get another chance." When he saw that the pink hero was still purposely avoiding him, he growled. "I'm fucking serious, Technoblade. Are you throwing this?"

The said man froze. Images of Darryl smiling so sweetly flashed before his eyes, from the encouragements, small, little hums... everything about the brunette that made his heart swell; his cold exterior was gradually melting. David hissed. He cursed himself to stop another round of heartache from forming. He got scared, so scared of isolation.

What was he thinking? Of course, this is his shot. An opportunity to go back to the source that gives him comfort and safety.

Never in his life would he think that he'll actually agree with the Diamond boy. Though for this once, Zak was right. This is his chance.

Technoblade groaned, rubbing at his eyes in frustration, his own body moving on its own volition, stepping back, turning around and facing the shorter male, immediately making eye contact.

"You're right. I- I don't know what came over me. Of course, I won't give up. No mission will ever come first when it comes to Bad." He exclaimed, the tension on his shoulders giving out and he saw the other grin, pleased to hear his words.

"Well then, what are you waiting for? Let's go!" Zak cheered and began leading the way, excitement visible in his steps.


It wasn't long when the pair spotted BadBoyHalo under the tree for shade against the sun. They were at a less chaotic part of the town. Fields of wheat could be seen from the horizon over, the road being nothing but hardened dirt. They could see the fences that are made from spruce being the dividers for each house in the neighbourhood.

The sun was bright, hot enough to make people want to wear lighter clothes but not enough to stop others from wearing oversized hoodies and coats. By those, he means BadBoyHalo who kept his black hoodie on despite the melting heat.

Bad must've seen Skeppy since his ears perked up at the sight of his best friend. The pink head watched as the brunette stood up to meet Skeppy halfway when he noticed his form. I mean, how could he not see Techno with his bright red coat and bubblegum pink hair? Even from the distance, brown met green, and the contact was held as the taller man took a few more strides, closer towards him but respectable enough to stay behind Skeppy.

The brown-haired man had to pry his gaze away, sweat trickling down his neck, whether it's from the heat or nervousness, he wasn't sure.

"Skeppy, what are you doing."

It wasn't a question and both men knew that. Intrigued by the authoritative voice coming from the muffin-loving male, David kept silent.

Zak awkwardly chortled, his face displayed with a slight hint of fear and guilt in the mix.

"You see, Bad...-"

"What. are you. doing."

"Look, I don't want you getting mad at me-"

"How can I not be mad?!"

"Bad, I know it may seem bad, but trust me with this."

"Geppy, I feel betrayed!" Techno winced, guilt creeping up his head, telling him that he's the reason the two best of friends were currently arguing.

"Bad! You're hurting-"

"So? Doesn't mean you get to decide what should happen!"

Zak gritted his teeth, David swore he saw steam coming out of the boy's ears. The boy walked ahead, placed both hands on Darryl's shoulders to keep his focus on him. With a straightforward expression, the raven-haired gave his friend a little shake.

"Trust me, Bad." Were the only words he said before stepping back, glancing over at David to give him a nod before escaping the scene by going around the brunette and sprinting off. Leaving the two heroes with their tension-filled air.

I had to cut it, it was getting too long for my liking. Turning 1750+ words, my head had already settled this story to only have a minimum of 600 to a maximum of 1300 words. I dunno man, (Pardon my language) this shit is messing with my brain and now my schedule's fucked!

Anyhows, I really took a break at the wrong time, huh? Oh well.


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