(36) How Determined?

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Heya! Aren't ya glad this isn't over yet? xD


Coming out from a trading shop, Technoblade had just pocketed an emerald as his body moved on autopilot. A day. A day had passed by without him and Bad interacting; frankly, it feels so much worse than the two weeks he was getting avoided before he was told that he was in love.

He told Philza what happened. What else could he have done? The ship had sunk, and the oxygen was tinted with poison. After barely managing his way back to his friend's house, Technoblade swore everything hurt. Be it emotionally draining or physically numbing.

When his blond friend opened the door for him, he did not process a single word the man has said. Didn't remember the path he took, didn't remember changing out of his clothes; taking a bath; crashing in for the night in Philza's guest bedroom. 

Didn't remember crying his eyes out, draining his jukebox, nor collapsing in heaving gasps. 

At least, that's how Jschlatt told him what happened... all he recollected was the loud pounding in his head rather than his heart - which awfully felt so hollow. Who knew rejection stung like a bitch? As if there was a gaping hole on his torso that and the only way to patch it up was with... With what exactly?

Darryl refuses to talk to him and the only word that keeps circling inside of his head was: Persona. David huffed in annoyance - or in bitterness? He never really took the moment to think it over. The brunet insisted that it wasn't him, well, isn't that the whole point of getting to know someone?

Technoblade groaned, the air surrounding him emitting a whole new level of unapproachable. It worked seeing how not a single villager bothered him on his way to the traders' shop.

Or at least that's what he thinks when a hand halted his movements from the back. Remaining calm, David stayed aware as he discreetly shuffled across his Hotbar, besides, who would even dare start a fight in the middle of a busy road and in broad daylight against one of the most known PvP-er in the lands?


Huh, for a moment, Technoblade thought he was just imagining it. After all, what does Dream need with him?

Relax a bit, Techno put his Hotbar away from his vision and swiftly turned around to face the said masked-man. Upon doing this, he was met with Dream wearing a simple white shirt with green as the sleeves' colours. He retracted back his hand and that's when Techno noticed the pair of wooden swords being held by the other.

Fixing his coat, the pink-haired hero nodded his head. "Dream," he greeted with the same bored tone. It was then he realized that the other two, Sapnap and George, was standing just a few steps behind the masked male.

He nodded to the pair who waved and nodded back. Either the whole atmosphere shifted or it has grown worse than before. If David was already emitting the unfriendly aura, then what they have now would want to make a person stand twenty feet away from whatever's about to go down. Some tension brewed in between and for a second David noticed something glint at one of the dirty blond male's fingers before it disappearing when Clay shoved his hand into his pocket.

Straightening his back as the trio walked closer to him, Technoblade caught himself staring into place. Has Bad told them? Had they heard about his failed confession from the day before yesterday? What are they going to do? Mock him? Perhaps threaten him as well?

Nothing really stood out from the pink head's vision. All he knew was that the dream team is one of Bad's closest friends and from what he have seen or experienced so far... locks have a tendency of staying on without the proper key.

Once Dream had reached a respectable distance away from him, he saw that the masked man was holding out one of the wooden swords which added to his extreme confusion. What was it? A parting away gift? Must be their substitute of "certificate of participation." How lovely.

Upon noticing the hero's puzzled look, Dream snorted and shrugged a shoulder. "We both know what you feel about Bad, and as his best friend, this is our way of "testing" you. Come on, spar with me. This is the only way of being able to get our approval." 

David felt his eyebrow twitch at the other's statement. Approval? What of? Aren't they aware?

"Bad... Bad— I already told him how I felt." 

As if he could see behind the mask, David assumes that Clay raised a brow upon seeing the other two's reactions. Surprised. George decided to gather the courage to ask, "What's his response?"

David was silent for a bit, guess they didn't know after all. He lowered his head, a shadow crossing over his face as he was unable to keep the dejected look that loomed over him.

"He told me that it's 'impossible'."

"Oh," Dream paused then glanced towards his other friends like they could share an entire conversation through looks and small gestures. Technoblade bit the inside of his cheek, awaiting to see what happens next as well as considering this "spar" of theirs, giving himself a moment to review the lands' rulebook of having a spar in the middle of a semi-busy street. 

His gaze snapped back to focus when he saw that Dream was already retracting his offered sword. The blond hummed, "Well then, guess there's no need for this. Sorry for bothering you—"


Techno reached out and grabbed Dream's wrist, his brown eyes slightly wide whilst his heart started pounding in his ears from the sudden rush. Dream seemed stunned by the pink haired hero's actions, not doing anything to pry his arm away from the desperate grip. 

Technoblade slowly breathed out, he could feel the tip of his fingers starting to numb from the adrenaline rush. "If I..." he closed his eyes and evened out his heartbeat, "I'll accept your offer with one condition. For every hit that I land, I want you to tell me something about him. Doesn't have to be anything too deep, just, I really want to get to know him."

There was a pregnant silence as he awaited Dream's response. He must look crazy right now, he bet he does but who cares? Nothing else seemed to matter. Techno knew he was already rejected and that's... fine. What he wants right now was to understand the brunet a little bit more. It's— it's so hard to explain anything when he's in love. 

It was as if Dream was about to say no, the same mask with a smiley face on it stared right back at Technoblade. The latter may looked desperate but what Dream saw wasn't remotely close to that one. What he saw is the man's sheer determination. Determined to get to know his best friend more, determined to fight as long as there's hope. 

Maybe that's the reason he accepted the proposal. Who knows? Maybe Dream had already given his permission right there and then. 'Sides, someone who isn't giving up easily? That's someone he wants for Bad.

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