(33) Close Proximity

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This is basically a chopped off first part for the next Chapter. [Filler Chap.]


After the travellers left, Technoblade and BadBoyHalo were able to go back - but with a slight tensioned air hanging right above. Mostly cause it was the brunet's lack of focus, always zoning out with a disappointed and fearful look.

Tapping the table, the pink head mentally scolded himself. Saying screw it before opening his mouth to express his worry. "Hey, Bad? Are you sure you're alright? You've been zoning out like a muffin for some time now." He watched as the hero with brown hair blinked two times to process his words.

"Huh? Ah, yeah, yes. I'm alright, no need to worry about me, Raj was just— he was just being a muffin."

Humming, David leaned back as he set the utensils aside having already finished his meal. It was clear to him that the other was not comfortable with further elaborating his problem and he guesses that the place they were in wasn't suited for it anyway. If he wants to gain the other's trust, he's going to have to be patient.

"You know, with all these muffin talks, I actually haven't eaten a muffin yet."

That was a lie, of course. Though if Techno wanted to distract the brunet from his thoughts, he's going to have to make up the most put off story ever - in this case, that would be the topic 'muffins.'

Thank goodness, the subject seemed to do the work since Darryl had quickly look up at him with the most perplexed look he had seen. "Wait, really?" Disbelief was evident in his voice, suspicion laced in his squinting eyes.

David shrugged. "Well, yeah... if you want, maybe you could teach a thing or two. Do you take private lessons?" The corner of his lips threatened to tug upwards; he forced it to look neutral.

Bad finished his meal, also leaning back in his seat with his head slightly tilted, "What? Do you think I teach people in public? Techno, you're being silly. Although that is a good idea— oh! I could teach you how to bake muffins so you and Skeppy can do a muffin baking competition!"

The brunet beamed with stars in his eyes, his mind already wandering to imagine how that vision would go. Scratching the back of his neck, the pink head chortled. Him not knowing how to bake wasn't a lie at least. Praising himself from his succession of changing the green-eyed boy's mood, Technoblade went on.

"What kind of muffins do you enjoy?"

"Hmm... for me, I personally love blueberry muffins," Bad answered with a sure nod.

Techno raised a brow at this, "Blueberry? ...what's wrong with strawberries? Why not like strawberry muffins, Bad? Are you some type of muffin-racist?"

The brunet waved a hand dismissively at the same time playfully rolling his eyes. "Oh be quiet you," he scoffed averting his eyes. Technoblade continues to stare, slowly raising a brow as he watched Bad take a quick glance back at him. When their eyes met, the two couldn't help but break out in a flurry of giggles, oddly finding themselves in a funny situation.

The pair had finished up, checking the time before agreeing with each other that it was time they head back. Once they left the diner, just a few meters away from the small eatery, the two heroes were contentedly talking about trivial little things when Darryl suddenly stopped.

The pink head noticed this and halted his pace as well, sending the shorter male a curious look.


Bad snapped out of his daze, "Huh? I uh, sorry, it's just—" The shorter hero pointed at his undershirt's collar, seeing that it wasn't exactly right. "Hm?" Techno looked at it and was about to fix it when Badboyhalo suddenly walked closer to him. Adjusting the folds; taking a hold of the button with his thumb and index finger, Bad squints his green eyes behind his glasses as he focused on inserting the golden-yellow hued button in the hole.

"You should wear a tie."

David scoffed. "A tie? seriously? If you want, I have my old cravat. The one where I used to wear two years ago."

Darryl hummed, still trying to get the button in, "Sure, I bet you'd look handsome in it either one." 

David blinked. 

Head still trying to process the Bad's word: handsome? He stayed quiet; obviously not taking a mental note to gather a search party for his cravat later on.

The brunet was unaware of the other's heartbeat rapidly spiking up; the sudden panic that he caused. David was not sure on what to do. Their unexpected proximity sent him multiple loops of emotions and he was stuck between looking away or risking a move.

Hoping that the focused male did not notice his nervous swallow, Technoblade hesitantly looked at him. Once he did, damn did he not regret his decision.

Relaxing his tensed shoulders, the man let his brown eyes travel around the brunet's face, silently happy on examining the latter's features. Forest green. That was the colour of Darryl's eyes. He concluded, eyeing the way the male's glasses sat lower on his cute, pointed nose. Tiny freckles— wait, he has freckles?

Subtly leaning closer, Techno was able to confirm that BadBoyHalo, did in fact, have small and faint freckles that are spread across his nose. Neat. He let his eye travel back up again, noticed how long the brunet's lashes were. The only reason for it being barely known was because of his silver glasses. 

How come no one had ever said anything about it?

Can't they see?

He's beautiful.

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Gotta spread the word, guys.


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