(37) For Each Fact Brings a New Light

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As I said, I'm in no mood for writing a mini-battle so just keep it in mind that the spar DID happen. It ended with Techno winning (Imagine their 100 000 battle. Yeh, something like that. Just without the money, a referee, and all they had were wooden swords.)


One hit is equivalent to a fact about BadBoyHalo. Those were his conditions and those conditions are what Dream had accepted. Relocating to a much less populated space, a small table where they all had gathered around after their little spar as two skilled PvP-ers. They went over to the small cabin on the outskirts of the village where the dream team currently resides in, temporarily.

Sapnap had taken charge of returning the wooden swords inside the house, as George went ahead and prepared the two men some nice hot cocoa.

Fiddling with his fingers, Techno had shrugged off his red coat from how sweaty he had turned out to be, leaving him in his rolled-up sleeves and the first few buttons unbuttoned. If he was being honest, he did not think that he would actually be able to hold his stand. It had been rumoured that Dream was better than him all around the village that it nearly started a war between his and Dream's supporters. 

In the end, though, the king lives on.

Drumming his fingers on top of the furnished spruce table, David flicked his tongue against his cheek as a distraction to give himself his own temporary space for his thoughts. Was this invading Darryl's privacy? Is he being too desperate for someone he had only gotten to know through a quest pair up which also turns out he doesn't actually know well? 

"Alright, where do you wanna start?" 

Dream, who had quickly changed his clothes to much less soaked one, sat down in front of him. Fiddling with his thumbs, brown eyes looked up to be met with a smiley mask. 

"I heard from Bad that you four grew up together in an orpha- Munchy?" Technoblade asked with hesitance still lingering at the back of his head. Dream chuckled as if what he said was a joke. 

"Young BadBoyHalo? Woah, are you trying to hint us on something?"

David glared and the blond's chortle got louder. If Clay wasn't going to take him seriously at all, then he might as well leave. 

"Did we hear that right? Munchy?"

George's voice called out and David glanced over to his back to find that the other two had come out, each holding a steaming cup in hand, most likely the ones that are being offered for them. The other boy with a plain white bandana wrapped around his head let out a grin. 

"Man, I haven't heard of that place since forever!" Sapnap commented while placing down the cup in front of Dream, George doing the same for Techno before they all settled down on the seats by the sides, ready to listen. George hummed in agreement, taking off his goggles to wipe it clean.

Dream clapped his hands together, leaning back as to drum his fingers on the table, cup untouched.  "Let's see... Bad, Bad, Bad... things that we know about him."

Nick snapped his fingers as if a lightbulb had appeared beside his head. "He cries often." George nodded, a giggle coming out of his lips. "He used to steal papers during class!" Techno had to lean back, suddenly feeling overwhelmed by the two's answers. He wasn't sure why, this is what he asked for yet it feels so wrong.

The masked man shook his head, waving his hands off to dismiss his two friends. "Come on, we need to give out good facts, not his embarrassing childhood stories." He then straightened his back to appear that what he's about to say next was semi-serious than what the others had said.

"I'll tell you things about him from my perspective. Alright?" 

The pink-haired man nodded, the tension in his shoulders slowly dissipating.

"Da- Bad, is one of the first people I've met when I got dropped off at Munchy." Clay started, a fond smile playing behind his mask. "He stood up for me when no one else did, and from right then, I could proudly tell you that he's brave." He stuck a finger out as if indicating for number one.

"Although it might not look like it right now considering how he screams and worries a lot." George rolled his eyes yet the gesture held no malice in it. "Like lots, lot. A lot." David nodded to see that he already gotten the message. Sure, yes. A lot. He'd seen the brunette that way, usually eating Zak's ears off from the past.

Sapnap bit his bottom lip and averted his eyes. The act caught Techno's attention, wondering why the male suddenly looked unsure. "Bad is brave. He's the bravest muffin you'll ever meet." The low tone of his voice completely caught Techno off-guard. Sapnap had said those words in a gentle way that nobody would believe their ears if they'd hear it from him. 

The bandana-wearing guy sighed. "He's just scared nowadays." He muttered thinking Techno wouldn't be able to catch it. 

But he did. He did and now he's worried. Was this a breach of privacy? Something about BadBoyHalo's past that made them all so protective of the brunette?

"Oh, don't get us wrong. Bad is still the same. A person who's genuine and kind. He's still that same kid that I look up to who would stand up for the right no matter what the case is. Guess the only difference is that..." He trailed off and George took this as a cue to take over.

"Bad used to be real bossy back then. Not arrogant, he's just, bossy which would be understandable considering how it was him who's always put in charge by the guardians. Developed a sense of leadership, right? He also used to swear. Not a lot-"

Sapnap took over. "He doesn't swear THAT much. But he did, unlike now where even a scientific word, he would shout 'Language!' on." The pink head's ears perked up. Were these guys serious? George chortled. "He's going to hate us once he learns about us spilling this." 

Oh... David's guilt pooled up. This was something about the brunette's past, something secret that he would probably want to stay a secret. The masked man glanced at him, placing an elbow on the wooden table and propping his chin on his palm. "Why did he change? Well, here goes nothing." Clay sighed. 

"He had this boyfri-" Techno didn't listen this time, already standing up from his seat.

"I'm sorry, I- I can't. I feel like I've already disrespected him enough. I'll be taking my leave now, thank you for your time."

"But Techno, don't you want to know more? How else are you going to be able to get information?"

The pink head bit his bottom lip, thoughts flooding his head as his hands clenched into fists by his sides. It took him sixteen seconds of silence until he finally breathed out a sigh. Shaking his head, David glanced over his shoulder to regard the three men. 

"I'll find it out eventually. As for now, I have a mission to attend to." That was right, the sole reason for his visit to the traders' was because he wanted to gather enough resources for enchantments. Turns out, the kingdom had sent a message to Phil asking for their presence. 

Still feeling the trio's gaze on his back, David had to pinch the bridge of his nose to let out an exasperated sigh. That was close. All he wanted was to get to know the brunette a little bit better... not expose his secret. 

If he wants to know about it, he'll have to actually hear it from Darryl himself. He wasn't going to cheat, not like this. 

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OR stay for the plot! It's your choice really.

Gotta spread the word, guys.


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