(07) Taken Care Of

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Obviously not Techno's real name and btw, he's like, 21 in this book while Bad is 20.


David Barton was just a young boy when he first started dreaming of being able to go on quests that could both equally be fun and profitable. At a young age of twelve, he had his father help him train for those very dreams. His father, an ex-hero, helped him build his mind and body for situations that may be needed. Every after his training, he goes home back to his mother who had already prepared a meal for both him and his dad. David's father may have been the one who taught him how to handle situations logically, but his mother was always the one to remind him how making decisions involves feelings too. 

She would always teach him how to respect other people with integrity and kindness. How to be tough and stand for yourself as well as forgive others. Whenever young David feels sad, afraid, she'll always be there to calm him down.

The young man remembers that whenever he wakes up from an unholy nightmare, he'll walk up to his parent's bedroom and search for his mother. His mother, even though of how early in the morning or late in the night it was, will wake up, hold his hands as they make their way to the piano, and plays the grand instrument for him. The melodies she plays always calms him down, it soothes him in a way that nothing else could.

Thinking back to it now, David misses both of them. When was the last time he visited them? He was fourteen when he left the house and found MunVadXel kingdom. Seventeen when he defeated the enderdragon and eighteen when he started living his life within the village. Due to the quests and often requests of summons, David hardly had the time to spare to visit his parents. Maybe soon, he'll be able to do that. 

Now that he sized up his thoughts, he noticed how... lacking his world was. Surrounded by fights and competitions, David almost forgot about the little nice things the world has to offer instead of angry mobs. The gentlest and kindest of hearts. Like his mother always had... if only, maybe, someone out there have the same characteristics his life was currently lacking; he sure would love to know.

First, there was ringing in his ears. Second, was the sudden pang of pain by his back area.
Third, was the blinding lights he had to go through in order to fully open his eyes.

The pink-haired man groaned and rubbed his eyes as he tried to look around his surroundings. Slowly, he tried sitting up just to be stopped by a loud, "No no no no no, you muffin. Lay back down, you aren't fully healed yet!" 

The ringing in Techno's ears stopped, replaced by a soft, gentle voice of someone familiar. After rapidly blinking a few times, his eyesight adjusted at the sunlight that was coming from the outside of the cave. This is when Techno noticed they were back in the cave they previously camped on, how? He had no idea how. Then, Techno turned his head to the side to be met by Badboyhalo, whose face was written in concern.

"You're awake," the latter smiled. He was now sat down in a kneeling position, hands on his lap. 

"I.. am. How did we get back here? How long did I sleep? Oh shit, the competition—"

"Language!" Darryl chastised before sighing while he rubbed his temple. "First of all, we're back in the cave, as you can see, and I uh, I carried you- you fatty! All the way back from the lake. Second question... you've been unconscious for like, a day - and third of all! Not even a thank you?" The brunette crossed his arms with a childish huff, blowing his cheeks as he looked away to show he's both mad and hurt. 

The action made David chuckle. So cute... His eyes widened then stared back at the ceiling above, taking his attention off the brunette to collect his thoughts.

As he did this, his hand subconsciously went up to his bandaged shoulder... the pain was a lot lesser now that he thinks about it; His body seems like it wasn't that dirty too like it had been washed beforehand.

Did Darryl do all this? The pink head felt his heart flutter at the thought. The emerald eyes boy took care of him. Usually, when something almost remotely like this - which is rare times because he doesn't get hurt a lot - his friends would just make sure he wasn't bleeding out and wait for him to wake up. 

They don't use bandages, they just bring heal pots or just simply go to the nearest village with a medic in it. They don't wash the other while unconscious, they just put some bethadine on then done! voila! 

But Darryl, he had to make sure they're in a safer place, had to mend his wound and make sure he's clean. It was honestly good. David has no other words for it. He was, happy? Flattered? Thankful? Or maybe all three of those things at once. 

"Bad... Thank you. I mean it." 

The said male just smiled back at him with the same pink yet chapped lips. 

"You're welcome you muffin."

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