A New Home

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It took a few days for the prisoners to assign a spokesperson and come back with what they wanted to happen to them. None of the Lords or Ladies however were expecting their request. 

"The majority of us agree. But we must ask your permission, My Lady." The dirty blond prisoner bows his head. His blue eyes shadowed by his bangs and dirt-smeared face. 

"My permission?" Andriella tilts her head. Underneath the table, Robb grips her hand tightly. The young King in the North unsure what they would require of her. 

"We all would like to go home but we know that is not possible. The moment we step foot on our lands the Lannisters will either force us back into their forces or kill us on the spot." He glances off to the side, unable to meet any of the Lord's faces. "Many of us have seen your kindness, My Lady, and we must ask you for one more act of said kindness." 

 "Go ahead." 

"We ask your permission to relocate to Agaliga." The prisoner gets down on his knees as the tent erupts in objections. 

The loud and boisterous voices of the Lord's overlap each other and make it difficult for Robb and Andriella to decipher any of their arguments. 

Simply raising his hand, the other lords fall silent at the command. Robb turns to his wife, searching her expression for any signs of her decision. 

Andriella tilts her head, her free hand resting on her chin. "Have you gathered a headcount on the number of soldiers who wish to follow this route?" 

"I have, My Lady."

"And does this headcount include the family they would like to join them?"

"If you would allow it, My Lady." 

"And what of the remaining soldiers? The ones who do not wish to join Agaliga?"

"You can't seriously be considering this!" Roose Bolton cuts in. Andriella's eyes narrow on the Lord. An avalanche of emotions conveyed in her simple glance causing the Lord to recoil. 

Her attention returns to the prisoner who is waiting to answer. She gives him a nod and he continues, "They wish to join your cause. They have only known battle and if their request is not granted they have asked for death." 

"So be it." She sighs. The spokesperson flinches, mistaking her decision but accepting it as a prisoner of war. "I'll write home and let them know we will be having guests. Their families will have to find their own way to the ships since we can't spare the soldiers but they are free to stay in Agaliga as long as they wish and remain valuable citizens." 

The spokesperson falls flat onto his belly, arms splayed in front of him. "Thank you deeply, my Lady."  

"Rise." When he does, everyone takes note of the tears streaming down his grubby cheeks. "It was very brave of you to come with this request. For your bravery, you will coordinate with Ser Terren on the transfer. Let the other's know and give them paper and ink to prepare their messages for their families." 

"Forgive me, my Lady, but what of the soldiers who wish to remain?"

"It would be foolish to let them join the North's army now, but I will grant them their wish in Agaliga. If they pass the training camp they are free to join Agaliga's armies and return to this war should it still be in progress." 

"Thank you for your generosity, my Lady." The spokesperson bows, ready to leave the tent but Andriella holds her hand up. 

"Your name. You haven't told us your name or title yet." 

"Oh... My name is Seban Rass. I have no title." 

Andriella hides her smirk behind her hand, "Perhaps that will change soon. Have a safe journey. Ser Terren will coordinate the rest." 

Seban leaves the tent with a bow. 

"And what of the ships you will be using to transport all of these prisoners? Huh, girl?" 

Robb rises so briskly from his seat that his chair is sent toppling over. Andriella's hand still grasped in his own, he slams his free hand on the wooden surface. "Watch your tongue." 

"How are we meant to attack King's Landing without any ships?" Lord Bolton counters. 

Andriella tilts her head mockingly, "How were you going to attack King's Landing before I joined the North?" 

Lord Bolton falls silent at her quick retort. Before Andriella Bryne joined the Northern forces they didn't have many ships. The few they did have were from Wyman Manderly but they weren't equipped for war or sea sieges. 

"Besides," Andriella levels the Lords in the tent, "With the progress we're making at the moment, we are in no position to attack King's Landing. By the time the ships return we will be in a better position for a two-sided attack."

"Sending the prisoners to Agaliga will ease the struggles of the North greatly. We also won't be seen as aggressors so any Northern prisoners the Lannister have will be safe." Lady Maege Mormont agrees with the decision. 

"If that is all..." Robb says as he moves to end the meeting. 

The Lords all bow their heads, leaving the tent a moment after. 

Andriella gently tugs on Robb's arm, easing him back into his seat. The young man follows his wife's gesture. Leaning back in his wooden 'throne', he brings their joined hands to his lips and presses a soft kiss to the back of her hand. 

"You shouldn't be so quick to lose your temper." 

"He called you a girl." 

"And they've called you a boy." Rising from her seat, she smoothes her hand over his shoulders as she stands behind him. "Don't worry about little old me. I've been called worse by more powerful men." 

"Have you now?" 

Kissing the top of his curly head, Andriella slips out of his grasp. "Those are stories for another time. There's still one more prisoner I need to take care of." 


Andriella turns from the doorway, a half smirk- half grimace, on her cranberry lips. "A nurse."

Leaving her wolves at the entrance of the tent, the young woman ducks into the darkroom. Talisa bolts up from her position in the back of the room. "How long do you intend to keep me here!?"

Nesaeh peeks in through the flaps, baring her teeth at the hostility in Talisa's tone. The woman flinches but stands strong in front of the Lady. 

"Until I've figured out what to do with you." 

Andriella circles around the woman. Like a predator stalking her prey. Talisa shivers at the hard brown eyes that study her in the low candlelight.  

"It's apparent you have no knowledge of wartime customs, nor the proper training to make the right decisions in caring for your patients, so I really have no need for you in my camp." Talisa stiffens as Andriella's ring cover hand picks up a strand of her hair. Twirling the chocolate locks, Andriella smiles. "I could send you home, but I understand a daughter's need for freedom. So I will put you under the care of one of Agaliga's field medics. She will teach you the proper procedure and if she deems you worthy, I will allow you to operate on your own." 

Talisa releases a breath she had not realized she was holding. "Thank you..."

"But- if I see you stealing from Agaliga supplies or treating any of my or the North's enemies, I will kill you on the spot. Am I understood?" 

"Yes." She bows her head. 

Dropping Talisa's hair, Andriella steps away. "Don't take advantage of my kindness or it'll be the last thing you do." 

Andriella leaves the tent with a swirl of her hair, her words hanging heavy in the air. 



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a/n: moves are being made... big payoffs and consequences in the future :) 

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