Robert's Anger

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Robert Baratheon knew what he was. He was a usurper. 

He had taken the throne, killing all those who would oppose him. Those silver-haired bastards that made his blood boil. 

He dreamed of killing them. Of killing the crown prince night after night. 

He had almost eradicated them all. 

All except for two. And his mistake, his one folly had returned to bare it's ugly teeth. 

"The whore is pregnant." He grits out. That isn't the only news from the East that concerns him. There is much more troubling news, but Robert is never one to ignore a Targaryen. Especially a vulnerable one. 

"You're speaking of murdering a child." Ned pleads, standing in front of the small council and staring down his old friend. 

"I warned you this would happen. Back in the North. I warned you. But you didn't care to hear, well, hear it now! I want 'em dead, mother and child, both. And that fool Viserys as well. Is that plain enough for you? I want them both dead."

Varys looks away from the King, his eyes trailing to the Lord Hand. Ned Stark is an honorable man, perhaps he will save them, and if not, he has a desperate hope that someone else will. 

"You will dishonor yourself forever if you do this." Ned reasons. 

"Honor!?" Robert shouts. The Baratheon blood in him boiling. "I've got the Seven Kingdoms to rule! One King, Seven Kingdoms! Do you think honor keeps them in line? Do you think it's honor that's keeping the peace? It's fear-- fear and blood."

"Then we're no better than the Mad King."

"Careful Ned, careful now!" His voice wavers in unbridled rage. 

"You want to assassinate the girl because the spider heard a rumor?"

Varys, having been silently calculating, looks up at the accusation, "No rumor, my lord. The princess is with child."

"Based on whose information?"

"Ser Jorah Mormont. He is serving as advisor to the Targaryen's."

"Mormont? You bring us the whispers of a traitor half a world away and call it fact?"

"Jorah Mormont is a slaver- not a traitor." Lord Petry Baelish speaks up, his nasally voice angering Ned. "Small difference, I know, to an honorable man."

"He broke the law, betrayed his family, fled our land. We commit murder on the word of this man?"

"If he's right? If she has a son!" Robert shouts. He would not forget the other fact that was whispered to him. The fact that keeps him listening to Eddard Stark. "A Targaryen at the head of a Dothraki army... What then?"

"The Narrow Sea still lies between us. I'll fear the Dothraki the day they teach their horses to run on water."

"There is another matter." Varys cuts in, looking to Robert for permission to continue. The large man gruffly nods, his face growing redder at the thought. "They have the Bryne's."

Confusion shoots through Ned. The Bryne's? Of House Bryne? The Legendary House of the Summer Beast? 

There is no way. 

The Bryne's hadn't flocked to the Targaryen's rescue during the rebellion so why would they be with the Targaryen's now. 

The small council seeing Ned's confusion, fill the man in. "Lady Andriella Bryne, the heir of House Bryne, attended Daenery's wedding. She has not left the Targaryen's side since." 

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