Catelyn Returns

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Catelyn clasps her hands nervously in front of herself as she is escorted into the Northern war camp after many nights away. Several large tents have been set up since her departure, all to be used in the official wedding of Robb and Andriella. 

A large lady by the name of Brienne of Tarth follows dutifully behind the queen mother of the north. Eyes follow the two as they progress through the camp, lingering especially on the bear sized woman. 

Brienne is halted at the entrance of Robb's tent, Catelyn reassuring her with a gentle hand. The two exchange a nod as Catelyn slips into the tent and Brienne turns on her heel to join the guards at the entrance. 

A fury snout meets the chest of Brienne in her progression from the tent. Stumbling backward, Brienne is startled to be faced with a wolf nearly as tall as her. 

"Back, Baemarr." Behind the large black wolf, Andriella emerges. Her ring burdened fingers brush through her wolf's fur. Andriella levels the blonde with a measuring look. "And who might you be?"

Instantly recognizing the tan-skinned beauty due to Catelyn's description, Brienne drops to one knee, withdrawing her sword and laying it across her lap. "Brienne of Tarth, my lady. Lady Catelyn has accepted me after the events at King Renly Baratheon's camp." 

Andriella tilts her head at the title of "king" but decides not to comment on it seeing as everyone is becoming a "king" now and days. "I trust Lady Catelyn's judgment so you are welcome to stay and assist us in the coming battles."

"Thank you, my lady." Brienne rises from her position, securing her sword back in its holster. 

Andriella leaves her pack with Brienne as she enters into the tent. Catelyn and Robb pull away from their embrace, Catelyn proceeding to open her arms to her new daughter. The Bryne girl secures herself into the mother's embrace, deeply missing the effeminate touch. 

"How were your travels?" 

Robb frowns, replaying his mother's tale from before Andriella entered.

"Renly Baratheon is dead."

Her reaction is well contained for the shocking news. Instead all she offers is a question, "By who's hand?" 

"That's the thing." Catelyn starts, beginning to pace within the tent. "I was talking with Renly when a shadow entered and skewered him through the heart." 

"Are you sure you weren't mistaken Mother? I know the journey was long and you must have been tired." Robb reasons.

"I am not the only one who bore witness to the murder."

"The lady knight?" Andriella asks.

"Yes, but she believes that it is the work of Stannis' red witch." 

The blood drains from Andriella's face at the words uttered from Catelyn Stark. In Essos the red witches were quite popular. They worked with shadows and blood magic, just as Catelyn had seen. 

Red Witches however were banned from Agaliga. Their practices and beliefs were forbidden and driven out of the surrounding area. The reasoning for this was very simple. Several generations before Andriella, an enemy of Agaliga took sides with the Lord of Light and used the red witches' blood magic to slay the Lord and his children at the time. His wife subsequently won the war and banned the Lord of Light and his disciples. 

Banning the religion entirely brought some pushback and more terror from blood magic until those of Agaliga discovered a way to become impervious to it's negative effects. The ritual however to release curses was lengthy and difficult. Especially with Westeros' limited supplies. 

Yet, if what Catelyn said is true, and a red witch has already taken out one of Stannis' enemies...the rest of them wouldn't be long behind. 

"Postpone the official wedding. Robb, come with me." Andriella exhales shakily. Robb grips her trembling fingers, his eyes growing stormy at her reaction. 

"What is it, my love?" 

"The red witch..." Andriella nervously looks to her new mother, "Are you certain it was a red witch under the Lord of Light? Are you certain it was a shadow that killed Renly."

"Yes. A shadow in the image of Stannis." 

"Then we don't have a lot of time. If Stannis' witch cast a spell to kill Renly I can only assume that she has cast a spell to slay the rest of his enemies. That includes Robb. My husband and your son." 

Catelyn falls to her knees in imagined grief. Visuals of a shadow creeping into her son's tent driving her vision red and hazy. "Is there anything you can do?"

"Fortunately, yes. Agaliga has had some untasteful run-ins with the disciples of the Lord of Light and we have found a way to combat their magic." 

"Anything you need, it is yours." Catelyn affirms as Robb tries to soothe her. 

"Hopefully we can find everything in time. We have the main ingredients here," Andi nods to Robb, "for the only thing that can combat blood magic is stronger and purer blood magic."    

"What about you, Andriella? If you think a spell has been cast on me, surely it has been cast on you as well." Robb worries. 

"I won't be able to perform the ritual on myself. Ser Terren should be well versed in the ritual though so I'll be fine. Worry not, Robb." Andriella withdraws a scrap of paper from her belt and gestures for a writing instrument from the two occupants in the room. Robb, ever the quick knight, fulfills her request. Seven items later, Andriella passes the note to Robb. "Bring these items to my tent before nightfall."

Without wasting a second, Robb flees from the tent, anxious to clear whatever blood magic hovers over his head and his loves'. 

Shakily, Catelyn rises to her feet. Worry plagues her heart but gratitude shines through for the foreign girl who somehow always has an answer to their problems. "Thank you Andriella. Truly." 

"I only hope I am not too late." Andriella frowns. 



not edited 

a/n: Sorry it's been so long! also, sorry it's short. 

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