Disgruntled Advisor

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"I leave for one night." With her head bowed and her hair covering her face, Andriella's upper lip curls back. "One night, Robb.

Standing a few paces behind the girl, Robb's eyebrows scrunch in confusion. 

Since Andriella's return, she had been in a foul mood. Nearly everyone jumped out of her way as she came riding into camp without care to those in front of her. Those who were unlucky enough to be granted with slow reflexes were currently nursing an assortment of bruises. 

Once she was dismounted from her horses she marched right up to Robb and practically dragged him by the ear into the war council tent. She did not speak right away, in fact, she couldn't even make eye contact with the young man. So, Robb was left to watch in anxious silence as Andriella seethed in her seat. 

Andriella didn't mean to blow up the second she returned to camp but some matters just couldn't be dismissed. 

"Has Agaliga not been a good ally? Have we not met your needs?" 

Robb startles at her accusations, not entirely sure what caused such anger to flow within the girl. Everything had seemed fine before Andriella had left. There was the admission that she didn't feel the same extents of his emotions but he didn't hold it against her. If anything he was treating her like a queen in an effort to connect further with her. So, honestly, he has no idea what is causing such an outburst. 

"W-What has brought this on?" 

The chuckle that escapes from her cranberry lips is so unlike her usual carefree resonance. It is so dark, lacking so much emotion, that it makes Robb's blood curdle in the vein. Her once warm eyes cut into him like frostbite as she turns her glare to him. 

"Who's idea was it?" 

"Please just tell me what you're talking about and we can sort this out." Robb tries to reason, reaching out to smooth his hands over Andriella's shoulders. 

Andriella is quick to flinch away, backing farther from her betrothed. Her eyes fall shut as she breathes deeply. Andriella has to gather her emotions as she feels herself begin to shake in anger. 

"Theon." She manages to spit out, her teeth grinding together as she continues to think about the consequences of Robb's decision. "Theon Greyjoy." 

Robb recoils at her hateful tone, his heart plummeting to his heels as she won't even look at him. All he had done is grant Theon permission to treaty with Balon Greyjoy. After Andriella's departure, Robb's 'brother' had approached him about the next steps of the New Rebellion. He had pointed out that without ships things would never progress. 

While the Bryne alliance came with numerous ships and men and women to pilot such ships, Theon was convinced that the Greyjoy fleet was much larger and much better. Theon, however, did not voice this opinion to Robb Stark, in fact, he neglected to mention the Bryne fleet altogether. Subtly hoping that Robb himself would forget about them as well. 

All Theon wants is to be an integral part of the New Rebellion. He wants his name plastered in the histories for generations to marvel at. Yet the one thing that he could potentially provide was stripped away from him the moment Andriella Bryne barged into their feast several moons ago. 

So when Theon was able to state his case and convince the King in the North, he was ecstatic. Seeing his 'brother' so passionate and fulfilled, Robb didn't think over the matter any longer. What he did not consider were the hurt feelings his actions would bring to Andriella and the Brynes.  

Most of all, what he did not consider was the repercussions of his decision should Balon deny his treaty. What he did not take into account is the history between Balon and the North. And Andriella could not believe his stupidity. Could not believe that he would blatantly spit in the face of the Bryne family in such a way. 

However, while her heart could not believe it, her mind saw past what her heart wanted. Her mind saw the truth beyond the truth. Despite this, her rage overpowers all. Rational thinking has no room within her as she meets the startled and dumbfounded look on Robb's face at her venom filled words. 

"You really are a boy. Since the moment I've met Theon Greyjoy he has pushed and pushed for violence. And you..." She has to pause as her voice trembles with rage, her eyes burning like a thousand fires as she verbally cuts into the Stark King. "You send him to an equally as power hungry and violent man who just so happens to be his father. Should Balon refuse, which he will, what do you think Theon will do?" 

Robb, not having expected the question stammers for an answer, his own blood simmering as she calls him a boy and doubts his decision. "Theon is my brother-"

"Not by blood!" She shouts. 

"It doesn't matter." He is now shouting as well, his blue eyes raging with thinly veiled malice. 

"Yes, it does because while you may think of him as a blood relation, his real brothers' blood is on your father's sword. His real brothers are dead because of your family. Do you think Balon will have forgotten this? Do you think Balon will bow before you after you've just given him his last heir?" She lets her questions linger in the tense air around them before she delivers the final blow. "You are a fool Robb Stark." 

In a moment of blind rage, Robb starts upon the girl, his leather-gloved hand-raising above his head. Andriella does not move to stop him, her chin rising as she squares her shoulders. 

"Would you strike me?" 

Blue eyes dart to the clenched fist raised above his head. His furrowed brows easing out of their tensed position as he comes to realize his horrible intention. As quickly has his fist had risen, it falls to his side, his head bowing in shame. 

"All because I speak the truth that you were too blind to see." Andriella shakes her head sadly. She spins on her heel, her embroidered head covering swishing in his face as she stalks away. She pauses in the exit of her tent, the fire in her eyes leaping out of their confines. "Raise your hand to me again and the North will burn." 



not edited 

sorry not sorry. 

What did you think her reaction to Theon leaving would be? Is Andriella justified in her threat? 

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