First Victory

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Tyrion Lannister wondered if this is what the afterlife was like. All he can see is blue and the world is a blur around him. That is until the irritating but always true voice of Bronn cuts through his senses. "You're a shit warrior."

"I'm alive?"

"You're alive."

Looking around again now that his vision is more clear; Tyrion sees nothing but death. Dead earth, dead grass, and dead bodies. What was even weirder yet somehow symbolic are the large dead wolves. 

Perhaps the head wound is affecting him more than he thought.

"Did we win?"

"We wouldn't be having this conversation if we didn't."

The wagon that Tyrion now feels that he's riding on comes to a stop, Bronn hefting him up into a sitting position. "How did our tribesmen do?"

Looking over the remaining tribesmen, Bronn nods. "Yeah, good." He watches as they kill the few survivors, some shying away from the bodies of already dead animals. "Against the wolves? Not so good."


"You're wounded." The nasaly yet regal voice of Tywin Lannister states. He sits upon a clean white horse, a bannerman behind him.

"Good of you to notice. I hear we won."

"The scouts were wrong there were three thousand Stark bannermen, not twenty-five thousand."

"Did we get the Stark boy, at least?"

"He wasn't here."

"Where was he?"

"With his other twenty-two thousand men."

"And where are they? Why are there wolves!?"

Tywin stops his horse, his ice blue eyes cutting through his son like frostbite. "They have the Brynes. They forced us to the river with their beasts and when we were trapped they rained down arrows on us from the other side. The remaining soldiers retreated. Leaving behind only a thousand. The two thousand that retreated? Probably off to rejoin with the others."

"The Brynes! Of the Summer Beast!?" Tyrion shouts, blood rushing through his ears, drowning out Bronn's next words.

"Smartest bloody maneuver I've ever seen." Bronn breathes out admirably.


Midday, nearing the hottest hour, the wolves break through the underbrush. They rush through the open field towards the hill where Lady Catelyn anxiously awaits. Soldiers follow behind, their horses leaping over the tangled vines and into the field as well.

Andriella, having lost her horse, grips tightly onto Robb as his horse makes the jump. Landing, they jostle for a moment before falling to a steady stride.

"Your mother's been waiting." Andriella smiles, tucking her chin on Robb's shoulder.

His blue eyes glisten as he spots his mother's red hair. "We did it."

"One battle Robb... Many more to come."


Andriella swings off the horse first, her wolves swarming excitedly around her legs as she moves to a nearby steed and pushes Jaimie Lannister off it. He lands with a groan before Lady Catelyn's feet. His golden hair now a muddy yellow.

Robb walks around his mother, glaring down at the Lannister.

"By the time they knew what was happening, it had already happened."

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