Spread the Word

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Rapping lightly on the door, the young maiden shields her face from the world with an intricately designed headwrap. Soft footsteps are heard from the other side, hushed words being exchanged between the inhabitants. 

Slowly, the wooden door is pulled open, soft candlelight spilling into the dark world. 

A woman in her later years in life stands in the doorway, her wispy silver hair pulled into a low braid. She tucks the shawl under her arms, her soft blue eyes peering through the blanket of darkness as she tries to decipher the young maiden before her. 

"Lady Bryne?" She rasps out, her voice rough with age. 

Her white teeth cut through the darkness as she smiles at her old friend. "Annila." 

Annila is quick to usher Andriella inside, closing the door and locking it behind her. Inside three woman sit around a worn-out wooden table. Despite the variety of their ages, they all have the same wispy silver hair. 

Brannelle is the first to rise from her seat, rushing the girl in a flurry of emotions. "I haven't seen you in so long Andi!"

The elderly woman swats Brannelle off her path, "Mind your manners Brannelle." 

Brannell, who is only a few years older than Andriella, flushes deeply as she ducks her head and hastens to curtsy. Andriella stops the girl midway, "There is no need. You are all my dear friends." 

"To what do we owe the pleasure?" The final woman in the house asks curtly. 

Andriella spares her a glance, not really minding the tone of voice the middle-aged woman holds for her but not appreciating it either. 

Sarisa is always this way with anyone outside of Brannelle and Annila. She is heavily guarded due to her ancestry unlike her mother, Annila, who is far too old to care anymore. 

"Is it time?" Brannelle asks, jumping in place due to her nerves. 

Andriella chuckles, closing her eyes in glee as she places a calming hand on the easily excitable girl. "Not yet. But I have a task for you and the others." 

"Finally. It's grown dull here." Sarisa pushes from the table, joining the three woman in the center of the room. Andriella reaches into her breeches pocket, pulling out a raveled piece of parchment. Flattening it out, the three women read the Agaligaian script, their eyebrows raising in surprise. 

"That's quite bold." Annila worries. She tugs anxiously at the fraying edges of her silver hair, her light blue eyes crinkling. 

"It's brilliant." Sarisa sighs. She pushes her fingers into the center of her forehead, relaxing the crinkled skin around the area. "The others have been moving around quite a bit recently, thanks to you, so it'll take a little bit to spread the word." 

"How soon?" Andriella asks, tilting her head. 

"Give us a week." 


Tyrion Lannister knows that the hand's bed is shit but he never expected it to keep him up throughout the night. Tossing and turning, Shae finally grows sick of his movements and kicks him in the bum. 

Toppling to the ground, Tyrion lands in a mess of silk sheets, just his undershirt to save him from the cold marble floor. 

"Fine." He grumbles as he throws the sheets back onto the bed, making sure Shae is protected from the chilly night air. 

Moving towards the balcony, Tyrion hesitates, knowing that once he opens those doors the stench of flea bottom will come wafting in. Alas, his restlessness gets the best of him and he pries one door open. 

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