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Curled around each other, Robb Stark and Andriella Stark nee Bryne, basked in the early morning rays that peeked through their tent. Animal pelts covered their nude bodies and their wolves lounged around the spacious tent. 

Peppering his wife's shoulder with kisses, Robb pressed himself closer to her. A soft sigh escapes the girl. She interlaces her fingers with his, eyes still closed as she presses back into his body. 

She smirks as a small gasp escapes his lips. 

"I believe we are missing a bed sheet." 

Robb buries his face in the crook of her neck. The spread of his smile warm against the sensitive skin. "It was whisked away in the middle of the night by a thief." 

"Was it?" Turning to be face to face with him, she reaches a hand between them. "Are you lying to your lady wife?" He giggles. Actually giggles. It was such a boyish sound that it halted Andriella in her place.

It wasn't often that she remembered how young they actually were compared to a majority of their army. Andriella fell into the wars of Essos by accident but at least she had her father by her side. She had a strong support to guide her through the horrors. 

This was Robb's first war. His first battles. All of his advisors saw him as a 'boy'. With his mother by his side, it wasn't much better. If anything it made the teasing worse. 

Her heart clenches painfully as she realizes that she is the only one that Robb can fully lean on for support. He took her council into consideration, valued her opinion, and came to her for comfort. 

And she was lying to him. 

Whatever Robb's response was, was lost to Andriella's ears as she slowly spiraled. She had no idea what to do. 

Lying to the North, to Robb, was so much easier when she didn't care about these people. The struggles of the North however deeply impacted her. She could relate to their anger. The other Lords respected her because of her name but now they were actually starting to like her. 

She was their queen and she was a traitor. 

The last Targaryen King literally killed Robb's grandfather and uncle. Daenerys' brother, Rhaegar, kidnapped and raped Robb's aunt. 

The Starks did not have a good relationship with the Starks and the North. If she were to reveal her real motives now, she could lose everything. 

She would lose support that would be vital for Daenerys. She would lose the North. She would probably be held prisoner and her soldiers killed in retribution. And the worst thing that would happen is she would lose Robb. 

Over and over again she denied her feelings for the boy. Robb was quick to give his love, but Andriella was never good at that. She had never loved anyone other than her family before. Yet, here in the North, with Robb Stark at her side, she was beginning to fall. And she was falling quick. Much quicker than she wanted and that scared her. 

She didn't want her marriage and relationship to start on a lie and be built upon lies. Robb is her husband and she would do her duty as a wife. She wanted to love him and have him love her. It was what every little girl dreamed of. A marriage of duty turned into a marriage of love. 

And that would all fall apart. 

If she continued to lie, she would be found out eventually. By then she probably would have children with Robb and be deeply in love. The betrayal would be soul shattering for him. 

But was telling the truth now really the right idea? 

For once, she didn't know and that terrified her. 

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