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Andriella sits beside Robb at the war council, Nesaeh resting at her feet and Greywind curled up next to them. The rest of her pack circle lazily around the tent, casually on the lookout for prying eyes and ears. 

Her dark brown eyes stare intently at her ring-laden fingers, watching the solidified summer fire swimming in the metal.  The discussions of war drone on around her, her own plans morphing in her mind as she listens to their ideas and knowledge. 

The men of the north have different tactics of war than the Brynes of Essos. They are not wrong but they are different and unfamiliar to the girl. 

Andriella knows she has much to learn but they can learn from her as well. 

Out of the corner of his eye, Robb glances at Andriella, wondering why the usually outspoken girl has fallen silent. Robb sighs, pushing up from his seat and standing over the table. 

"The river lords are falling back with Jaime Lannister at their heels. And Lord Tywin is bringing around a second Lannister army from the South. Our scouts confirm that it is even larger than the Kingslayer's."

Lord Umber shakes his head, "One army or two, the kings in the North threw back hosts ten times as large."

Andriella glances up at the squelching of muddy footsteps approaching the tent. Her eyes settling onto an older woman with auburn red hair, almost identical to Robb's. Veses, Andriella's beta wolf lingers behind the woman, waiting for the signal to scare her away if she is unwanted. Twitching her hand, Veses gets the message from his master and leaves the woman alone. 

Lord Umber is the first to rise, bowing his head in respect. Robb turns at the change of demeanor, his own his eyes widening when they land on the woman. 

"Mother!" He smiles. 

Andriella rises from her seat, clasping her fingers in front of herself as Robb goes to hug the woman but stops short. 

Tears glisten in his mother's eyes, her gaze not leaving her firstborn son's. "You look well."

"Lady Catelyn, you're a welcome sight in these troubled times." Lord Umber addresses. 

"We had thought not to meet you here, my lady," Theon adds on. 

"I had not thought to be here." 

Andriella tilts her head as the woman's eyes shift through the tent. She finds it odd that Lady Catelyn had not been informed of the proceedings of war. She hadn't even questioned not seeing the Lady at Winterfell but now it is clear that she wasn't even there in the first place. 

So then the question is, where was she while trouble was stirring in the South? 

Lady Catelyn's eyes falter on the dark skin of Andriella, the girl sticking out amongst the pale Northerners. Catelyn has an idea of who the woman is but she can't be sure. Especially since they are in Westeros, a place where the tanned skinned woman would not be. 

"I would speak with my son alone. I know you will forgive me, my lords." She pauses, looking at Andriella again. "My lady." 

Lady Mormont is also present in the tent but people have grown accustomed to calling her 'my lord' as well. 

Lord Umber is the first to comply, shouting to the occupants of the tent to, "Move your asses."

Andriella moves with grace, stopping next to Robb and placing a hand on his forearm, "When you're done, I've come up with a plan to stall Tywin Lannister."

Robb nods, glancing down at the hand touching him. He can't really feel it through the layers of leather and armor but he can feel the warmth from her touch. "I'll gather the lords."

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