The Second Players

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Main Players

In order of appearance

where they are at the end of Beasts of Lore


Andriella Bryne Stark

Heir to Agaliga, Wolf Queen, Queen in the North, Wife to Robb Stark, friend to the Targaryen's, Champion of the North, Mastermind of the Whispering Woods, the Golden Queen, the Queen with Magic, The Queen blessed by the gods, the North's hope

the oldest child, sister to Lucan and Amiya, daughter of Banneth Bryne and Dyanna Bryne nee Warren, Niece of Daaren Bryne, Cousin to Rhaemys Celareon, Cyrus Warren, and Nalia Warren

seven and ten years


The Pack

Nesaeh, Baemarr, Alyrya, Veses, Mador, Vimyx, Rela, and Greywind


Robb Stark

the oldest son, Lord of Winterfell, King in the North, Husband of Andriella Bryne Stark, the Young Wolf, the King blessed by the gods, brother of Sansa, Arya, Bran, and Rickon, half-brother to Jon Snow, son of Eddard Stark and Catelyn Tully Stark  

seven and ten years


Catelyn Stark nee Tully

Mother of the King in the North, Lady of Winterfell, Good-Mother to Andriella Bryne Stark, mother of Robb, Sansa, Arya, Bran, and Rickon, widow of Eddard Stark, part of the Stark war council


Jon Umber

Lord of Last Hearth, the Greatjon, the commander of the Umber troops, part of the Stark war council, friend of Andriella Bryne Stark 


Maege Mormont

Lady of Bear Isle, the She-Bear, the commander of the Mormont troops, part of the Stark war council, confidant of Andriella Bryne Stark


 Ser Terren Ahrelar

knight of Agaliga, sworn to House Bryne, friend to the Targaryen's, Commander of the Bryne Calvary, close friend of Andriella Bryne Stark


Jamie Lannister

knight of Westeros, Kingslayer, the Lion of Casterly Rock, the Golden Lion, twin to Cersei, former lover of Cersei, brother to Tyrion, son of Twyin and Joanna, father of the bastard children Joffrey, Myrcella, and Tommen, prisoner of the Starks, the former best swords man of Westeros


Tyrion Lannister

brother to Cersei and Jamie, son of Tywin and Joanna, the Imp, the Halfman, the Dwarf of Casterly Rock, acting Hand of the King, lover to Shae, the sleepless

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