Twisted Truths

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Surprisingly, Robb did not hold Andriella's confession against her. If anything he became more dutiful than ever. 

Throughout the day he sits by Andriella's side as she takes care of her pack. Watching as she brushes through the fur of each and every one of her wolves and listening as she begins to teach him small phrases of Agaligian. 

His touch is never far off either. Sometimes it is just the simple brushing of fingers, other times it is his whole hand on the small of her back. Just letting the young woman know he is there. 

Andriella's feelings wouldn't grow in the short hours he had been paying extra attention to her but it did let the girl know that he is committed to their union. 

It isn't love that she feels but an emotion very similar in her mind. Respect. 

Hours after night has fallen, Robb still sits next to Andriella in her tent as she mashes together a blend of fruits, flowers, and salves, his eyes darting over a parchment that was recently delivered to him. Finishing the cranberry colored lip stain, Andriella leans into Robb's side, glancing up at his twisted facial expressions. 

"What is it?" 

"It's from Stannis Baratheon..." He looks up into the mirror they're sitting in front of, his blue eyes growing haunted. "He says that Robert Baratheon left no true-born heirs. He claims that my father told him before his death." 

"Does he have evidence?" Andriella isn't shocked much by the news as is apparent from her nonchalant tone. 

"No but-"

"It won't matter what he says then," she cuts him off, rising from her seat and walking to her chest at the foot of her bed. "Without evidence, his claim is merely the whispers of a jealous usurper. It may very well be true but it won't change much." 

"How can you say that?" Robb questions calmly, turning in his seat to watch the girl rummage through her armors and clothes. 

"It's the truth. You should hear what nasty things the people of Essos say about the families here. It's all incest and betrayal and horrendous horrendous things. But is all of it true? No. Most people say those things to feel better about their own actions. Essos still has slave cities, Robb, they will say whatever they can to make themselves seem like the higher being." 

"Is that what you thought when you came here?" 

Finally finding the intricately designed head covering she is looking for the girl moves back to sit in front of the mirror. "There's always some truth to the lies." She muses, tucking her hair back into her braids. "But that's why I was so surprised by you. You were nothing like what I've heard." 

"Really." He leans his head on the palm of his hands. Watching as the Bryne girl wraps the material around her neck and over her head and back again. Leaving just her face exposed. 

"I always heard Northern men looked like horses so..." 

Robb is quick to push Andriella playfully, earning a hearty laugh from her. Enjoying the sound,  he can't help himself from joining in. 

As their laughter dies out, Robb runs his fingers over the stitched designs of her head covering. "I've never seen anything like this before" 

"My mother made it." 

"It's beautiful but why are you wearing it?" 

"After we're done talking to the Kingslayer I must leave camp for a short while." 

"What?" Her words catch him off guard. Nothing was mentioned about talking to the Kingslayer or her departure from the camp. "Why-" 

"After Stannis' words surely you want to confront to the golden lion." 

Beasts of Lore ♕ GOTKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat