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"Lady Bryne, a message from Westeros."

Andriella takes the slip of paper from Ser Terren, her eyebrow-raising in wonder. The seal was unbroken, a spider imprinted in the dry red wax.  

Andriella racks her brain for any houses with the sigil of a spider but she could not seem to come up with any. She wonders if it could be a cover but finds it unlikely. So the message was somewhat strange and mysterious to the girl. Add on the fact that it had been sent to her directly instead of to Agaliga where her father remained. 

Unrolling the parchment, Andi reads the message under her breath. "The Starks ride for Kings Landing. A new hand has been appointed. Whispers of golden-haired treason." Crumpling the paper, Andriella tucks it into the bosom of her dress. "Thank you Ser Terren."

He nods, falling behind in the line of Dothraki to give his lady some space. 

During her teachings, her parents made sure Andriella learned about Westeros and the complicated history that had unfolded just years earlier. So the Starks heading to Kings Landing wasn't that surprising if it was just a visit. But no, it was more than that. A new hand had been appointed and Andriella deduced that Eddard Stark was the one appointed which meant the Starks would be staying in the South which was a recipe for disaster. 

Northerners did not bode well in the South. 

Still, she couldn't help but wonder what she was meant to do with this information. Whoever sent this wanted something. Andriella did not like foreigners meddling in her business. They had tried before but luckily the Brynes was quick to shut down their attempts before anything serious could happen. That didn't lessen the annoyance everyone in Agaliga felt.  

Andriella looks ahead, the thought of Westeros still fresh in her mind. A few horses ahead of her Daenerys rides with Ser Jorah at her side, her back straight and silver-hair blowing in the breeze. The tall stocks of grass move in harmony around them adding a flare of whimsical content to the afternoon. 

With a gentle pat, Andriella's horse moves forward in the line, settling into pace with Daenerys' silver mare. 

Daenerys' spares her a nod, not noticing the inquisitive look on her friend's face. 

"Do the Dothraki buy their slaves?" Daenerys asks Ser Jorah, continuing her previous conversation with the man. 

"The Dothraki don't believe in money. Most of their slaves were given to them as gifts."

"From whom?"

"If you rule a city and see the horde approaching, you have two choices. Pay tribute or fight. An easy choice for most." Ser Jorah looks directly at Andriella, knowing what her people had chosen each and every time. Daenerys sees the exchange, already curious to know the meaning behind it. "Of course sometimes it's not enough." Ser Jorah plows through with his explanation, unknowingly cutting his Queen off. "Sometimes a Khal feels insulted by the number of slaves he's given. He might think the men too weak, or the women too ugly. Sometimes a Khal decides his riders haven't had a good fight in months and need the practice." 

In front of them, a slave is suddenly whipped, Daenerys' eyes watering at the sight. She avoids turning away, maintaining her composure in front of her people but Andriella catches her unease. 

"Tell them all to stop," Daenerys demands.

Andriella smiles for she knows that Daenerys was starting to understand the true extent of her power as a Khaleesi.

"You want the entire horde to stop? For how long?"

"Until I command them otherwise." She decides, looking to Andriella for backup. Andriella nods, her lips pursed in a small smile. 

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