part 79!

211 6 11

you push him off.

griffin reaches his hands up to grab you but is too far away. he goes down, down, and down. you realize what you just did. it all comes to you, hard. you want to cry for doing it, but you can't help but smile. suddenly a loud thud echos in the air. you quickly put on your panties and ripped skirt. you run down the safe side of the cliff. you get to the bottom and quickly run around, looking for griffin. you hear crying and screams of pain. you start running towards it. you see griffin laying in the grass, a gash on his head with blood spilling out of it. right below his head is laying on a rock. he hit his head in the rock.

griffin: h-help me y-y/n.


griffin:  y-you little b-bitch. 


griffin: y-you'll always b-be mine. a-always y/n.

y/n: i never was.

griffin's hand shakes as he tries to reach you. you push his hand down causing him to scream in pain. you move your face right in front of his.

y/n: no help huh? paybacks a bitch griff.

griffin: y-you will a-always be w-with me y/n. y-you can't e-escape me.

you look him straight in his almost lifeless eyes.

y/n: burn, burn in hell griffin johnson.

griffin opens his mouth but nothing comes out. then he just stops. his chest stops rising as his breathing stops. his eyes roll back and shut. you did it. oh my god, i killed him. you chuckle as you sob, the tears flood down your face. you cry, you cry for all the times griffin hit you, all the times he punched you, kicked you, the countless times he raped you, and when you had no help. finally you are free. you run up the side of the cliff as fast as you can, limping from what griffin had done. you walk back to the hype house, struggling with every step. you walk towards the backyard so the paparazzi won't see you. music starts to blare in your ears as you get closer to the hype house. your legs ache, they ache to the point where you can barely walk. you see that some people are outside. you look around for quinton. then you see him, he's wandering around frantically. you take all the power left in you.

y/n: QUINTON!!!

quinton turns around. he starts looking in all directions with a confused and worried look on his face.

y/n: QUINTON!!!

quinton turns towards you. he sees you limping down the street, your clothes torn, bruises over your legs, bruises on your neck, and griffins blood over your hands. quinton goes pale, every emotion in his face except worry disappears. he starts sprinting towards you. 

quinton: I'M COMING Y/N!

he hurdles the fence and doesn't slow down, he speeds up. the tears that were once coming out of your eyes starts to fall onto your cheeks. you feel so weak, and so tired. your legs start to give out and you fall towards the ground, but quinton's arms wrap around you. he slowly sinks onto the ground with you laying in his arms.

quinton: baby what happened?!?

you chuckle a little bit.

y/n: i-i did it.

quinton: you did what?

y/n: i killed him. i killed griffin.

quinton's face gets a mixture of happiness and worry.

quinton: that's... i-i don't know what to say! that's amazing baby!

quinton's smile is bigger than ever. he starts kissing the top of your head and hugging you tightly. you tell him everything that happened and he sits there in shock. quinton then picks you up and holds you tight.

quinton: come on y/n lets go home.

you smile and nod your head. he carries you back to the hype house. quinton gathers all the boys without drawing any attention. the boys all hurry you out to the car. they make a circle around you, blocking any paparazzi pictures. you all get in the car. the boys immediately start asking questions. you share the details with them. blake is concerned for you but happy. bryce is beyond happy, same with everybody else. energy in your body starts to fade away.

you lay your head in quinton's lap and fall alseep.


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