A New Start

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Requested by: MoonDreamer012 Not gonna lie, I don't think the pregnancy in this one-shot made any sense, but let's just roll with it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Deke is Fitz-Simmons biological son. What happens when they figure it out? Oh, and Jemma is preggers. Takes place sometime in season five of AoS, so spoilers, but then diverts from canon cause we're gonna ignore the time-loop problem and the fact that they're technically criminals.

Jemma stared at the screen in front of her for what felt like hours. Her head was spinning like a balloon and floating up into the sky, losing air as it went about. It reached the clouds and rain began to shower, much like the biochemist's tears. Whether they were for joy or sadness or somewhere in between, she didn't know yet (pregnancy did that to people).

The tears cascaded down her cheeks and dropped onto her jacket. It was leather, so they just slid off like they'd never been there in the first place. Jemma breathed in the scent of it and remembered how the owner had gotten it. Fitz.

When Jemma arrived for her first day at SHIELD Academy, she'd never thought that she would be in love with the competitive teenager who was around her age, and for the rest of her life. She definitely wasn't complaining though; Fitz-Simmons were called Fitz-Simmons for a reason, and loved each other to the moon and back.

Well, actually...distance can't quite cover it. When Jemma was sucked into — not one but two space rocks called Monoliths — Fitz was always there. He went to the strange alien wasteland and fought for survival from Hydra and Ward. Ugh, the very mention of Grant Ward made her sick. She was quite relieved when Fitz made it back and thought that was the end of it.

Then the Framework and Aida and Radcliffe happened. Fitz went to prison. Jemma went to space with their SHIELD team (family). He pulled a 'Captain America' (Coulson was ecstatic) and froze himself with Enoch for several decades, delivering Fitz to Jemma again. Fit was wearing the very same leather jacket as the one Jemma had stolen, and a very cool red scarf.

That future was pretty grim, even with Fitz. Earth was destroyed or possibly quaked apart by Daisy. The Lighthouse had been overrun by the Kree and turned into humanity's base of operations (if you could call it that). But that was where they'd met someone from that time, who wasn't exactly out of place in the dystopian future they'd miraculously prevented: Deke.

Their Deke. Their big goofball of a son. Jemma felt a second wave of tears coming. She didn't believe it, even though she wanted to, not for one second. But then again, Jemma recalled the precise accuracy of all their equipment and the hours she and Fitz had poured into writing formulas and lines of complicated code. The computer would never lie, and that was real.

Jemma was a mother, and not just to the bump on her stomach, but to Deke. A million questions ran through her head, but she realized that nobody would have the answer to any of them. I have to tell Fitz, Jemma thought, but how?

As if he could read her mind, Fitz walked into the room. He spotted her tears and immediately went next her, wrapping Jemma into an embrace not tight enough to squeeze their baby. "What's wrong, Jemma?"

She couldn't help but think about how oblivious Fitz was if couldn't even see the computer screen, practically screaming: Hey, we have a son! It's that guy we picked up in the future who you kinda dislike! Oh, and I'm pregnant with him right now because I ran some tests!

"Jemma?" Fitz asked, growing more concerned every second that she was silent. "Is it the baby? I can bring a car around and drive us to the hospital. Maybe Coulson can—"

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