A-Totally-Not-Cliche-Field-Trip Part 2

605 18 13

POV: Peter Parker
Don't ask why I changed it, and sorry for getting kinda sidetracked while writing this! It's way too long haha.

The sound of my alarm buzzing took me out of my beauty sleep, as MJ calls it, and I groaned loudly. I felt like I'd gotten absolutely no sleep, which was probably true considering the fact that my late night patrol went a little south.

And by a little, I mean I broke one of my femurs.

Little ol' me also nearly gave Mr. Stark a heart attack when Karen alerted Friday to alert him when it happened. Who knows what Aunt May would've done if she'd known; that's right, she doesn't know. Never bothered to tell her that her nephew is Spider-Man and routinely gets himself hurt in a lot of stupid ways.

Last night might take the crown for that category though, with how easily I could've dodged that. But alas, I was busy teasing the criminal about his monologue and the fact that he wasn't a very good robber. Like seriously, if you're going to rob a jewelry store, don't set off any alarms.

It still hurt a little, but with my enhanced healing, my leg was going to be fine once I ate something. I still kind of dragged it though, with a slight limp. My cover would be that I fell down the stairs.

I pulled my hand out from underneath my back and moved it towards the general direction of my desk. Somehow, I managed to press the large button on my phone to silence the alarm, and it immediately started playing my favorite songs playlist. I could've just asked Karen via voice to stop the wake up call, but I preferred it this way; what can I say, Spider-Man struggles to wake up on time. (The song is Mr. Blue Sky).

Sun is shinin' in the sky
There ain't a cloud in sight
It's stopped rainin' everybody's in the play
And don't you know
It's a beautiful new day, hey hey

The song lyrics echoed throughout my bedroom, and I happily mouthed along to it. I would've sung it, but I didn't want to piss off my neighbors any more that I had already.

I rolled out of bed and landed painfully on the floor. I'll admit it, I didn't think that one through all the way. But most of the time, I don't think before acting, and I just do. That's why I also have Baby Monitor Protocols for my multi-million dollar suit designed by Tony Stark.

Running down the Avenue
See how the sun shines brightly
In the city, on the streets where once was pity
Mr. Blue Sky is living here today, hey hey

I crossed the room to my wooden dresser. Pulling out a pair of jeans and a an old band t-shirt, I threw them into the bathroom and started the water. Then, I got in and tried to be fast about it. After only a few minutes however, I realized I'd never checked the clock this morning. Uh-oh.

I dressed quickly and shrugged on one of Mr. Stark's old MIT sweatshirts; I had acquired a few different ones over the past year and a half and drove my mentor crazy. He was always stuck wondering where they'd ended up, only to find me hugging one closely.

My phone buzzed again with a text. I frowned when it interrupted my music, but relaxed when I saw it was only a text from Ned. DUDE WHERE THE FRICK ARE YOU?? THE BUS IS LEAVING SOON. WE HAVE A FIELD TRIP!!

My jaw dropped, since when did we have a field trip? Especially one I was about to miss? Uh-oh.


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