s t a t i c q u a k e

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Can you tell I don't have a title? Kinda spoilers for AoS season 3...but not really?

Requested by: Agent_May
Hope this is good for your request of Staticquake fluff. Keep in mind I've never written a kissing scene or anything remotely romantic. ┐( ∵ )┌

Daisy grabbed her water bottle before shutting the locker door. The fading tape read her name out, and the owner's of the ones next to hers. She made a mental note to rewrite it, nice and big and bold.

Walking over to her bag, Daisy dug around inside for a spare writing utensil, preferably a pen or marker. She sighed and stood up after not finding one anywhere; she'd even checked the front pockets!

A knock on the wall made her look up.

Lincoln stood in the open doorway, throwing a black marker up and catching it before it landed on the floor. "Hey."

"Hey, Sparky," Daisy echoed, but also adding in the nickname for her boyfriend.

He smirked and tossed the marker. "Heads up!"

She reached out a hand, but failed to catch it. The marker skidded across the bench in the middle of the locker room, and stopped just at the end. Daisy saw Lincoln trying to find some sarcastic remark, but she instead held up her favorite finger to silence him. "Not a word."

He shrugged one shoulder and walked over to her. "I'll keep that in mind...maybe. Where you headed off to?"

Daisy grinned. "Training." Then she tapped his nose and pushed past him.

"Well, it just so happens that that is where I'm going too!" Lincoln said a little too quickly.

"Uh-huh, sure," Daisy teased. Not even for one second was she fooled by his tone of voice. "You were actually looking for...?"

"Uh, Coulson's office?" Lincoln replied. "But he's probably cool with it; wasn't that important."

Daisy gave him a knowing look, but didn't try to stop him as he followed her into the training room like a lost puppy. Which, in a way he technically was seeing as he'd barely explored the SHIELD base, or met many people other than Daisy's closest friends.

The couple walked into the gym and shut the door behind them. The florescent lights immediately came to life, brightening up the entire room and revealing all the equipment that was used. Daisy immediately went to the punching bag hanging off the ground in the middle.

Lincoln took a step back, suddenly feeling a little uncomfortable with being in the SHIELD base. After all, he'd basically been fighting on the opposite side just a few months ago. But then, he did come through in the end, Lincoln realized, and that is what Coulson and Daisy were constantly reminding him.

He took a deep breath and crossed the room to the sparring mats, admiring the vast amount of gear lying around. Guess some people just weren't the cleanest, Lincoln thought.

"You ever spar before?" His girlfriend's voice broke his thoughts.

"Say what now?"

"Sparring. Fighting. Combat training. C'mon, let's go for a match," Daisy said and leaned over to kiss him on the cheek, the warmth lingering for several seconds longer than the touch of her lips on his skin had, seeing as Daisy was already pulling on thick gloves.

Lincoln snorted. "We have to wear these?" He picked one up and held it with one finger, as if he was testing the glove. "They look ridiculous."

Daisy laughed in spite of herself. "Tell me that again when I'm standing over your dead body."

"Please. You don't have the heart to kill me." Lincoln protested, giving his best impression of puppy eyes.

His girlfriend sighed, already knowing she couldn't resist him. Lincoln smiled widely, already knowing that he'd won with his charms. Reluctantly, he pulled the gloves on; quite a challenge considering how tight they actually were.

He fumbled with the strap until Daisy frowned and did it for him. Their hands met, a contrast of hot and cold feeling-- opposites attract don't they?

Daisy took a fighting stance and Lincoln copied her, bending his knees a little farther just to make her laugh. She noticed right away and thought about correcting him, but then thought, It's his funeral.

"Powers or no?" Lincoln asked. Daisy simply shook her head. "Don't know what that means, but I'll assume--"

"No powers," Daisy interrupted before her boyfriend could do anything stupid and destroy the training room.

They circled each other like hungry sharks looking for their prey, eyeing possible hits and weaknesses, also wondering who'd make the first move. They were both surprised when it was made by one Lincoln Campbell.

His punch was easily blocked by Daisy, and in response, sent one of her own. Lincoln caught it, but just barely before it would've hit him square in the nose.

They continued to spar, their moves getting more and more intense as the fight went on. She kicked, he sidestepped. He lunged, she hurdled his leg up and over her shoulder. Lincoln felt the sweat running down his neck, and knew he was running out of time to pull through and come out on top.

Daisy thought the same and had already anticipated his next attack: a flying kick to the stomach. Fortunately, it made Lincoln drop his defenses and make an opening by his own stomach. She saw the opportunity and took it before he could even see it coming.

Lincoln grunted and fell over, but also dragging Daisy down with him. Unknown to him, she'd totally let him do that.

They rolled and Daisy ended up on top. She snickered and pressed her lips against his. That warm and blissful feeling overcame both of them, spreading life wild fire through their veins and into their hearts. His kissing started off soft and gentle, but craved more as Daisy took over and became more and more passionate.

Lincoln's hand moved up to her cheek and cupped it against his hands, still moving in time with his girlfriend's firey kiss. Daisy felt it there between all the adrenaline running through her brain, and was immediately sure of only one thing: she wanted to stay like that forever.

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