Peter's Birthday

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This isn't for the usual August of Adventure prompts I'm doing (that'll come out later) — but today is Peter Parker's birthday!

[POV: Peter]

I half ran out the door and almost immediately regretted it. The sun's rays were blinding, making me squint; and don't even let me get started on the heat. It must've been at least a hundred degrees outside, advertising the usual summer weather.

The only thing bad about the summer was the approaching season of fall...and the start of school. I'd be stuck back at that place with Flash and all of that homework. Who even had the idea to send us to school anyway?

But today, I pushed all those unsettling thoughts into the back of my mind to make room for something special: my birthday. Today was August tenth.

We were celebrating today at around five in the evening. It was a little weird of a time, but I'd wanted to give everyone enough time to do whatever they needed to do. We being most of the Avengers, Aunt May, Ms. Potts, Ned, and even MJ. Mr. Stark had jokingly invited some guy named Nick Fury too, but I didn't ask for details no matter how curious I was about the guy. My mentor said he most likely wouldn't show up.

I hadn't actually wanted a party this big and grand, but Mr. Stark insisted on it — and Starks usually get what they want. May said it was nice of him, and I couldn't deny his kindness. I think the Avengers even wanted to help, willingly. Although even if he'd threatened his team, Mr. Stark wouldn't get very far with it; mainly because of Natasha.

You may also be wondering why I called her Natasha, but then Mr. Stark was and will always be Mr. Stark. She had basically threatened me with a hidden gun, and said she hated being called 'Ms. Romanoff'. For my mentor, it was something of a running joke. And, old habits die hard.

I sat on the steps to our apartment building. Taking out my phone, I gradually scrolled through my notifications until Happy came to pick me up. Several minutes later, he arrived at the curb and I got in the backseat.

"Seatbelt, kid," he reminded me. I tried not to break it this time, because that's what I accidentally did last time. "And Happy Birthday."

"Thank you, Happy!" I exclaimed loudly, before starting to talk about the idea I'd had earlier for my web-shooters. I knew he was just being polite by nodding his head — not really understanding a single word of what I was saying. How did this guy put up with Mr. Stark for all those years?

A few minutes passed — at least I think it was only a few minutes. Time seems to fly by when you're having fun; or in my case, talking. Everyone says I talk too much. I wonder why...

"Have a good party," Happy said, offering me a small smile.

I frowned and made my puppy eyes really pop. "You're not coming?" It usually worked every time.

"I'll try and show up later, but I have actual business to attend to right now." Well, I did say usually, didn't I?

I waved my goodbye and held my hand up a beat longer. The car drive away and I slowly lowered it. Walking inside the compound, I wasn't really sure what to expect. Last time I'd been here with everyone was when Mr. Stark introduced me to all the Avengers. It was also after the Rogue Avengers were pardoned and everyone (including myself) loved the Avengers again. The Avengers were back together — something in the back of my head whispered, "Plot convenience."

What I got was total silence instead of music playing, talking and laughing, or even the loud echoes of a lab explosion.

"Hello?" I called. My spidey-sense didn't detect anything dangerous, so I tried not to worry too much.

Walking through the large hallway, most bedroom doors were closed. But — the lights were on, while they weren't in the kitchen. "Ooh, okay. I see..." I whispered to myself.

I approached the kitchen. As soon as I stepped over the threshold, the lights flashed on and everyone jumped up from their hiding spots, yelling, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, PETER!"

Well, except for Thor who'd instead said, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MAN OF SPIDERS."

Oh, and you know how I said I felt prepared walking into the room? Yeah, no. Instantly my feet and hands were on the ceiling, clinging for dear life. My scream echoed through the compound, and my face reddened considerably.

For now, our only worry was the birthday we were celebrating.


I puffed up my cheeks, ready to blow out the candles. There were a lot — probably from Clint, Mr. Stark, or even Ned — so I did the only reasonable thing and took in lots of air. MJ said I looked like a pufferfish, and took a picture as proof.

Aunt May agreed with her — betrayal.

"It's time to open your presents, Pete." Steve pointed to the table where brightly wrapped gifts sat.

"Oo, yeah!" I exclaimed and ran over. Everyone crowded around the table, excited to see my reaction to their present.

What I got was:

A knife from Natasha that was darkly colored. My favorite part was the design of spiderwebs on it. I got the impression that May didn't favor it very much though.

Clint...well, being Clint had to get a gag gift. Aaand that's why I now owned school supplies decorated with the Avengers — although mostly Hawkeye and Spider-Man. He also got me a Star Wars themed action figure set.

A few different books were gifted by Bruce, all themed around science, technology, or engineering. I had read through a few pages before May stopped me, telling me to first open everything else before reading.

I don't really think Thor knew what a birthday was, so he'd helped others pick up items.

Bucky and Sam somehow managed to buy a chocolate bar, but not just any chocolate bar. It was at least four feet wide, and I could already feel my mouth watering.

A beautifully drawn portrait of me and the Avengers was done by Steve. The captain had even framed it already. I planned to hang it in my room.

Wanda and I always loved to watch movies together, so her and Vision bought several of our favorites.

There were others too, but Mr. Stark kept insisting that none could compare to his. And eventually, we learned he was actually right.

That was all that ran through my head as my fingers ran along the edges of my new Spider-Man suit. That, and thoughts of when I could test it out; feel the wind ripple across, strike up a conversation with Karen, and fight those bad guys.

To answer my question, May spoke, "Yes, Peter. You can patrol tonight."

Everyone laughed at my enthusiastic burst of "YAY!" and MJ rolled her eyes. It didn't work that well when she was smiling.

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