Ceiling Crisis

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That's the inspiration for this chapter!

Peter's phone dinged causing him to drop his freshly caused pencil. He should've been doing his homework, but this was obviously way more important.

Have you reported Flash's new post?
On Instagram

Uhh no
Can I ask why?

Because he's ugly and therefore
Against terms of service

I mean
You're not wrong
┐( ∵ )┌

I'm never wrong loser

Peter smiled at his friend's text. At least, he thinks they're friends. But the little voice inside of Peter's head said that he wanted to be more than that.

The brunette glanced at his unfinished AP chemistry homework before putting his phone down off to the side. Peter knew he should hurry up and finish it so that he could play games with the Avengers. After all, he was in his bedroom in the tower, courtesy of Tony-freaking-Stark.

Neither would admit it, but MJ had once noticed how close they were. She chose not to comment on it, but it was kinda obvious that they had a father-son dynamic.

"Maybe a snack will help me concentrate on this," he muttered to nobody in particular, standing up and crossing the room in lengthy strides.

Peter opened up his phone again and swiped until he saw Instagram. Then, he scrolled down for awhile, searching for Flash's post amongst his other classmates and things that he followed. Peter chuckled at one particular meme posted by Ned and opened up the comments.

While typing, Peter didn't pay attention to where he was going. Pretty typical for anyone really, but especially for Peter seeing as he did very similar and stupid things on a daily basis. It drove Mr. Stark insane sometimes.

Peter crossed into the living room. Natasha and Steve were already talking about a  recon mission they were recently on while Clint and Sam idly listened, too busy with playing video games to really care. Mr. Stark, on the other hand, was being fidgety.

He had been waiting for Peter to finish his school work, then, they could work on improving something in his Spider-Man suit like usual. When Tony heard the incoming footsteps from the hallway, his head expectantly turned to face the usually ecstatic teenager. What he didn't count on, was Peter being on the ceiling.


The kid, even with a spidey-sense, didn't detect the sudden panicked yell. He jumped a foot and screamed like a girl. Tony would have to ask Friday to replay that audio and footage later. Maybe also send it to a few of Peter's friends...

"Oh my god, I thought I was on the floor!"

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