Plan A- Implementation

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"Woah, woah woah!" Eli rolled over in his crib when Jade finally stepped out of the guestroom. He was laughing so hysterically that tears started to stream down his face. 

Jade however was not amused, "What! This is not funny. I am doing this for you, and you had better be grateful."

Eli gulped down some air. He was laughing so hard that he was starting to have difficulty breathing, "But I am, I am."

"Then stop making fun of how I look!"

"I'm not making fun of you. Did you look in the mirror? Do you have any idea how you look?" He started laughing again, "I just can't!"

When he finally calmed down, he took a deep breath in and expelled it."Oh boy, if she recognizes you, then she must have x-ray vision. I'm curious though, how did you get pregnant so fast?"

Jade made a face, "I'm not pregnant." 

That made Eli laugh even more, "Okay, I knew that. Just, how did your stomach grow so big in the span of like, 10 minutes?"

Jade rolled her eyes.

"J?" Eli timidly started. "Why are you mad at me all of a sudden?"

Jade giggled, "I'm not mad at you, I'm just practicing acting like a grownup!" 

Eli burst out laughing, "Okay, I can see where you're going with that." 

"Let's go!"

Jade had already put her hair in a bun on top of her head to make her look older. She had taped to her stomach a nice, round, dome-shaped, plastic object used to cover dishes, and she had put on three huge shirts to cover the cracks. A big dress like the ones pregnant women usually wear went on top of that. The dress was a striped one, black and white, to match little Eli's black shorts and white T-shirt. 

They had decided to take a bus to the hospital, as the hospital was not very close. Jade picked up Eli and cradled him in her arms like a mother would do, and they left off for their adventure. When they arrived at the bus stop, the bus was just about to leave. As she made her way on it, she noticed that the front was crowded, and there was only one seat left at the very back. It was a very low seat, for a child. Just as she was about to go there, a nice young man got up for her. 

"Gotta protect the babies" he said with a friendly smile, "Are you on your second child?"

"Me?!? n-" Eli pinched her. 

She glared at him and started to hiss, "Keep your hands to yourself." 

But just in time, she changed her mind and started speaking in baby voice, "Mummy is tulking, isn't sheee, you huv to keep your hunds to yoursulf don't you? Now be a good buy, Mummy luves you." 

It was Eli's turn to roll his eyes. 

And then she continued, "No, this is actually my first biological one, but yes, my second child."

Eli closed his eyes and whispered, "Oh yeah, that's're only my guardian."

The guy said, "Really? That's why you already look like a mother! Best wishes!"

"Thank you!" They passed the rest of the ride in silence, and Jade was grateful that someone thought she looked like a mother. 

Finally at the hospital, she paused just outside and took a deep breath. 

"This is it, Eli."

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