"Dad! I Met Someone Who Can Talk!"

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Jade ran into the living room and slammed the door behind her shut. After babysitting for Mrs. Lhing, she ran all the way home and was now out of breath. Even though it was 9 pm, she did not feel one bit tired, nor sleepy. Her time with Eli had been all but boring, after all, how boring can it be when you babysit a talking baby? 

"Dad! Guess what," she yelled. 

"Well, look who's here. What is it chérie?"

Jade fanned herself with her left hand all the while trying to catch her breath so she could speak in coherent sentences. 

"I met someone who can talk!"

Her dad laughed out loud, "But of course princesse,  can talk...I'm also pretty sure that the woman you babysat for could talk also, right?"

Jade shook her head, "You don't get it...it's the baby...he can talk."

"Yeah, right. Of course. My mother always used to say that all babies talk, just that not everyone could understand them when they were talking."

Jade shook her head in frustration. Her father wouldn't believe her anyways, even if she tried explaining properly. She might as well give up and keep this talking baby business to herself. As Jade stood up and went to her room, she wondered what was it that Eli had wanted her to help him with. 

She had had dinner at the Lhings, and wasn't hungry at all. Thoughts of Eli were swirling in her mind as she took off her glasses and climbed on her bead. After whispering a quick prayer, Jade slowly fell asleep. 


Eli lay awake in his bed, pondering about the day he had had. The babysitter seemed like a very nice person. A very nice person indeed. Of course, it had been his first time seeing someone with the skin color of the milk and coffee his mother downed every morning, but that had not been intimidating in the least. His dad had told him that as a baby, there will be many bizarre things he will see, and Eli did not think that as one of the bizarre things his father had been telling him about. Eli smiled as the conversation between him and Jade played in his head. 

"You know, Jade, I have a question for you..."

"Mhm...? Jade paused her humming and rocking him for a split second. 

"Do you drink a lot of coffee?"

"Well, that depends on how much you mean by a lot..."

"Like, a lot a lot...like more than my Mom...and that is a lot. See that pot on that shelf over there?" 

Jade's eyes moved to the indicated spot to notice the container that would hold approximately two liters. 

"Yeah, Mom drinks that full every day. I think it drives her. So, do you drink that same amount, but like three times a day?" 

Jade laughed out loud, "No. I couldn't even drink that amount of water, which is actually recommended...much less coffee. I drink coffee, but not everyday, and then not that much."


"Why, may I ask?" Jade questioned. 

"If you don't drink that much coffee, how in the world is your skin this color?"

A cricket chirped outside, awaking Eli from his reverie. Of course, sweet Jade had explained to him about countries and nationalities and whatnot. She was African American, but her roots were from some country that was colonized by the French. He couldn't rightly remember. 

From what she had told him, he wouldn't be surprised to see a person with purple skin. 

Jade....He could just picture her. Shoulder length, dark brown hair. Dark brown eyes...very light brown skin with a tinge of sunlight, her glasses perched on her nose, and a sweet smile on her face. He didn't question her about the glasses because his dad wore them too. 

Eli finally fell asleep. 

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