Preparation for Family Reunion

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Hey lovely readers, I think I'll post an extra chapter as a surprise for y'all ;)...I might even add a picture too...Have a great time!


Musical interlude...every body needs inspiratio-

Jade picked up the phone and looked at the name. Mrs. Lhing.

"Oh, hello, Mrs. Lhing, what can I do for you?"

"I know I haven't known you all that long, and you babysat for me only two times already, but I have a favor to ask you." She sounded very flustered. 

"Yes ma'am, what is it?" Thankfully this time, she could pronounce her words clearly because she wasn't brushing her teeth. She was doing her hair, and she put the phone on loudspeaker. 

"Well, you see there's to be a family reunion here, our house is big, so we do it here...I have much to prepare...ummm, can you cook?"

"Yes...?" Jade hesitated. 

Mrs. Lhing hesitated even more, "Well, as you are our official babysitter, you are technically part of the family, plus I have a lot of preparations to make, and I can't and watch the baby at the same time, and then I might need some help with the preparations..." As she rushed to explain, her words came out as a torrent. "So, will you be available?" she finished. 

"But of course Mrs. Lhing, I would love to come...I'll just make some stuff here and bring it over. Umm, are any of you allergic to anything?"

"Oh thank you so much girl. God bless you. No we eat everything. And drink too..."

"Ok, when is it going to be?"

"This Saturday. Oh this is such a relief."

"No worries ma'am." 

They said goodbyes and Mrs. Lhing hung up. 

I guess it all comes with the job... Jade thought. 

And then she dialed Mrs. Lhing's number. 

"Hello?" Jade said, "I forgot to ask, is it formal or casual attire?"

"Not too casual, but not exceptionally formal either" was the reply.

"Ok, got it thanks."

And she hung up. 

If only her friend Li, was here. Li would help her get everything ready. In fact, they would babysit together, and perhaps form a team. But sadly, Li was in France, visiting her grandmother. 

Jade decided to make some mushroom rice and a salad to go with it. Also a sauce. Today was Thursday, and Mrs. Lhing had no work...she would go over after school and talk to Mrs. Lhing about her plans. 

Several hours later...

"Hello Jade. Lovely to see you, dear, though I wasn't expecting you."

"Nice to see you too Mrs. Lhing," when you're not in a hurry, she added mentally, "I have something to talk to you about...about the family reunion. 

"Well, come on in dear. And first off, let's get this straight, I may be married, and I may be an adult, but sometimes, I want to be a teenager. You follow?"

Jade grinned, "Yes ma'am"

"That's exactly what I mean, enough with this 'ma'am' and 'Mrs. Lhing' stuff...just Catherine would be fine."

Jade laughed outright, "Of course, ma' - Catherine" She changed her words from the glare Catherine gave her, and they both laughed together. 

"Eli is taking a nap, so what is it?"

"Well, I was thinking of making some stuff at home and bringing it over, but then I decided it would be more convenient to make it here, so would you mind if I shower and dress here?"

"But of course! I was thinking of that too. You know, you are really a nice person Jade."

Jade smiled. 

"Here, sit down. Let me tell you about who will be coming. My twin sister will be here and my husband's twin brother. We were both orphans, and were raised by the same woman whom we all call Grandma. Her name is Susann Ferry. She is like a mother to a bunch of people, and so, we all try to meet up at least once a month. There are eleven other kids that she raised. We are almost all grownups, some are married and some are not. Anyways, there will be a looot of people. So whatever you are doing, we'll make a lot...Oh I feel so relieved to have help. You have no idea."

They chatted together for a while until Jade finally left. 

She obtained permission from her father to spend the whole of Saturday with the Lhings, and she packed a small bag and left. 

"Okay, I have almost all my stuff done, what are you going to add?" Catherine was very excited. "Here, you can put your stuff in a guestroom over there, down the hallway and three doors to the has an adjacent bathroom where you can take care of yourself afterwards."

When Jade came back, Catherine led her to the kitchen where Eli was already present and staring with his cute baby eyes.

"You came!" he squealed. "Don't forget your promise."

"But of course, sweetie."

Catherine looked confused, but was too eager to start cooking with Jade to give it a second thought.

"Ok, I wanted to do some mushroom rice - I have no idea if that's how they call it in your language - and a chicken sauce to go with it. Also a little bit of salad to accompany it." 

"Hmm, I am not sure I am familiar with what you say, but now is a good time to learn it."

Jade explained, "Very easy.."

They had a very fun time together as they cooked, and soon the house was smelling even better than before. They learned recipes from each other and not long after were done. 

Jade, being the person that she was, grabbed a broom and started to sweep. They cleaned the place from top to bottom. There were many, many rooms, and a huuuugggge dining room. They arranged the food they prepared on one of the dining tables, and left space for all the food the other people would be bringing. They were exhausted, and then Jade took a relaxing shower in their bathroom to get ready. 

She had a black topless dress that slinked almost all the way to floor. And for modesty's sake, she added a red covering on her shoulders. She fixed her hair into a shou, and Eli wouldn't rest until he had stuck little red flowers all over her hair, to which she agreed with good humour. 

It was starting to get dark, and she was ready...

She also had some recording material - she was going to help Eli find answers, one way or the other. 

This chapter would be longer, but my puter is

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