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Elisha Lhing and Katharina Dorth...what is going on between these two. 

Everyone was finally at the gathering. Mr and Mrs Lhings' twins were the first to appear. And in any room the two of them were together, the atmosphere changed completely. Jade started to think that maybe there was something to Eli's suspicions. Eli remained strangely quiet for a talking baby. No one seemed to notice anything suspicious about him, but it seemed to Jade that they did not yet know that Eli could talk. 

Jade, although nervous at first, relaxed a few moments later and acted like herself. Everyone instantly liked her. Eli clung to her the whole night. Jade had the hard task of carrying Eli and keeping all the names in her head. She concentrated on Elisha and Katharina. 

They never spoke a word to each other the whole time, and Eli kept whispering in her ear, 

"I told you so." To which Jade would mentally roll her eyes. 

"What are you rolling your eyes at?" A deep voice startled her from her reverie. They were all sitting around enjoying the good food, and Jade thought that no one was paying attention to her. She was wrong. Suddenly, a hush fell on the room and every eye was pointed directly at her. Jade sent up a silent prayer of thanks for her  coffee colored skin. She knew she would be blushing if she had white skin. She turned slowly toward the voice. She found herself staring into startling green-grey eyes. She had never noticed the color of Elisha's eyes before. But come to think of it, Mr. Lhing's eyes were also green-grey. 

"Oh, no-nothing?" 

"How am I supposed to know? I asked you?" His lips curved into a smile, "That's why I asked you!"

Jade shrugged her shoulders helplessly. 

"Oh, Jay-dear, just ignore him." This was the first time Katharina spoke in reference to Elisha, and Jade couldn't help adding mentally, Which you do all the time

Everyone started laughing, that is, everyone except Katharina and Elisha. Elisha looked away painfully, and Katharina just pressed her lips tightly together. 

"Did I just say that out loud?" Jade asked? "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry. It's my brain, I promise. I was rolling my eyes mentally too! Oh, I am so sorry. I did not mean to offend anyone. I promise!"

That made everyone laugh all the more. Even Katharina managed a small smile. 

"It's okay" Katharina and Elisha said in unison. 

The rest of the night was relatively uneventful, and even after the family reunion was over, there was one question that remained in Jade's head. 


The next afternoon

"But why, Eli? I don't understand! What's up between them?"

"I don't know J. That's what I wanted you to find out." Eli started to pout. 

"Do you have any ideas on HOW???" Jade was getting frustrated. 

They both sat quietly for several minutes. 

Then, light bulb!

"Ooh, I got it, I got it!" Eli screamed out. 

"Whoa whoa whoa, I think you blasted my eardrums!"

"Come closer, let me whisper it...."

Jade leaned towards towards Eli and listened closely. 

And then, she facepalmed. 

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