Plan A

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The last bell of the year. Jade was excited. It was December, and school was out.  Whether she would admit it or not, Jade  could not wait to figure out with Eli what was going on between his aunt and his uncle. Some students rushed out of the building, others stayed behind and walked leisurely on the school grounds. Many were finishing up the last evidences of the party that they had had. Drinking red punch, cramming donuts in already too full mouths, stuffing on pizza, the students were having fun. But not Jade, she ran all the way home, changed her clothes, grabbed an already prepared bag, and went to Mrs. Lhing's place. 

As she expected, Mrs. Lhing was in a hurry to go to her job, and rushed out the door just as soon as Jade was about to step in. She had long since learned that she needn't knock; besides, knocking on a door was the last thing in her mind. 

On the table was a note, Eli says he wants to get out of this house other than on Sundays. You can take him out anywhere, as long as there are plenty of grownups, no loud, noises with vulgar music, the place is clean, and you can walk there or take a bus or something...


"Coming Eli."

Eli was very excited and ready to go, "Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!"

Jade chuckled, "Hold up, we have to get ready first."

"Get ready? How much more ready could we get besides climbing on the bus?"

"We need to help Ms. Katharina as much as possible...not only do we have to make her believe that I am your mother or whatever, but also we have to make sure she doesn't recognize maybe we should change your skin color to a darker tone, or make mine lighter. I brought some makeup stuff. Not sure what to do, but we have to do something."

Eli suggested, "It would be easier to make me darker than to make you lighter. I could just drink a lot of coffe--- oh, never mind. I forgot, that will not work." 

Jade giggled, "Yeah sure, I should just eat alot of chalk!" 

They both had a good laugh. 

Jade spoke up, "Maybe we'll just say that you are an orphan, and I am your legal guardian. Hopefully, they will not ask for any papers."

"Oooh, I like that offense Jade, you do not look old enough to even be your own legal guardian, much less my legal guardian."

Jade laughed, "I guess you're right Eli; I'll just have to make myself look older."


"Well, that's for me to know and you to find out!"

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