Family Feud

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"Did you know that my mother is a twin?" Eli asked.

"No...really? Interesting!"

"Yeah, and so is my father."

That got Jade's attention real quick, "Cool! I always wanted to be a twin...imagine, both your mother and father are twins."

"Yeah, identical twins too!"

"Interesting, but what does that have to do with me helping you with what?" Jade was very curious.

Eli hesitated, "You see, my aunt on my Mom's side and my uncle on my Dad's side...they just don't get along very well."


"And I want you to make them!" Eli gave her a "no duh" look. 

"Wait, how do you know that they don't get along very well?"

"That was an understatement, they just really dislike each other," was his reply. 

"Well, how do you know?" Jade persisted. 

"It's  just a hunch I have."

"But how?"

"I saw them only once. There will be a family reunion soon, but the first time I saw them was at the hospital after Mom gave birth to me. They came in the room, and I could immediately see that they can't stand to be in the same room. You should have seen the expressions on their faces. It was very funny. I want you, first of all, to find out why they don't like each other so much."

Jade laughed, "You're only a baby...what in the world do you care for?"

Eli's lower lip trembled, and Jade rushed to reassure him, "Don't cry; it will be okay."

"But you promised!" He was almost going to give that wail babies are famous for...his face was already all scrunched up. 

Jade reminded herself that although he could talk, he was still a baby.

"Okay, okay, okay. I will. I promised. You do know you are asking a lot right?"

Eli beamed, and the change in expression was so comical that Jade giggled and wondered if the crying face was all a farce. 

"What?" he demanded. 

"You are good at acting like a baby," she commented. 

"Maybe it's because I am a baby?" Eli helpfully suggested with a straight face, which sent Jade into gales of laughter. 

"Okay, okay, I get it!"


Meanwhile, several miles away, at Hospital Saint Theresa, two related but unrelated people worked. Doctors Dorth and Lhing. Although they worked at the same establishment, they never ever spoke to each other. Doctor Lhing's twin brother was married to Doctor Dorth's twin sister, but for both of them, the other didn't even existed. 

Love you all, my readers. 

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