"Well, you did promise."

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"That's never going to work!" 

"Oh come on, J. Do you have any better ideas?" Eli pleaded. 

"But how is your idea ever going to work?" Jade repeated. 

"Well," Eli stroked his chin thoughtfully, "There's only one way to find out!"


"What?" he asked innocently. 

"Nothing, nothing at all." Jade shook her head.

After a moment of silence, Jade spoke up, "So, you really want me to disguise you into another baby, pretend you are sick, and bring you to the hospital where your aunt and uncle works..."

"Yep!" Eli smiled. 

"And then, you want me to pretend that I am your mother...me brown, you white... and bring you to your aunt..."

"That's right!" He grinned even wider. 

"And then, you want me to go to the bathroom and leave you alone..."

"Good girl, you've got it down!"

"And then, you are going to speak as if a spokesman for her conscience...and then you want me to repeat the same thing with your uncle?!?!?"

"EXACTLY!!!" He waved his tiny hands and clapped them with delight.

Jade shook her head again, "You really think your plan is really going to work, and all this is really going to be easy, and your aunt will not recognize you, and something won't go wrong?"

"Goo goo gaa gaa!"

They both laughed, "What is that supposed to mean, Eli?"

"It means, let's cross those bridges when we get to them."


"What? I think it's perfect!"

"You really think I'm going to agree to this, don't you?"

Eli lowered his eyelids and stuck out his lower lip. He said in a very soft voice, "Well, you did promise."

Jade put her face in her palms again. She was starting to regret this dumb promise of hers. Besides, who ever heard of promising something to a talking baby when you had no idea yet what they wanted you to do? 

"And what if I don't?" She asked. 

"Well, I don't know. But I think you will though, you promised."

Darn it, babies are so...ugh

Jade thought about it. 

"Well, I'll help you."

"I knew that already! The question is - when?"

The nerve of that baby! I love him for it though!

"Oh, Eli!"

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