Tell everyone

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To be fair I have no idea what Riley wanted Jess for but I'm sure she will tell me after the meal. She looks stressed tho but I don't know if that's because she's 4 months pregnant with a bump and nobody knows yet? So I really can't tell right now. I'm concerned now about Rosie sat at the table on her phone thinking that that's okay when she knows that, that is one of our house rules no phones at the table because it's rude. I look over at her not that she will look up cause she's too fixated in that bledy iPhone that we had to buy them both check of it I never had a phone at their age.

Danny: Rosie!

Rosie: what?

Danny: it's not what it's pardon and pass me your phone

Rosie: pardon)

Danny: don't get cheeky pass it now!

Rosie: stop being old Dad

Danny: Now!

Jessie: Rosie just give your phone to your dad the phone now and stop arguing

Shaya: just give it up Rosie

Rosie: no

Jessie: don't make me come round there

Rosie: fine.

She handed it to Jess and she put it in her bag and that was that. Then rose perked up with the last thing we wanted today. Especially with the girls here and listening.

Rose: Jessica?

Jessie: yeah?

Rose: is that a bum-

Jessie: don't finish that no

Rose: I know one when I see one and you haven't touched your wine

Jessie: just don't want a drink

Rose: don't lie

Rosie: come on mum we know you are we aren't stupid you know

Jessie: no shhh too much chocolate

Rachel: your the only one that can eat a horse and not put weight on jess

Jessie: we'll I did this time shh

Rachel: your pregnant

Jessie: Fine. Yes, we didn't say anything cause one we haven't told the girls and 2 everything's been hectic

Shaya: that's so cool

Rosie: no it isn't.

Rosie got up and left fucking amazing. Jess got up and went and so did I cause it's our duty

Jessie: ROSIE! Wait

Rosie: why

Danny: you and Shaya wanted a brother or sister tho

Rosie: I know

Danny: then what's the issue

Rosie: I don't want you and mum to forget us

Danny: how could we ever do that we love you all the same

Jessie: don't be silly Rosie

Rosie: I love you both

Danny: we love you both so can we have a cuddle

Rosie: can I have my phone

Danny : typical

Rosie: cuddle for the phone?

Jessie: nice try but no

Rosie: why!!!!

Jessie: rules are rules

Rosie: fine cuddle?

Jessie: cuddle!

We all had a little cuddle this would be perfect if Shaya was here but she isn't she's sat inside being the non argumentative one as always. We got back in and everyone gave us the congratulations and we could tell the girls were tired and so was jess so we got back in he car and took the long we home, we got in about 2 but by this point jess had slept so wasn't tired and I couldn't sleep so me and jess put he girls to bed and sat on the sofa.

Jessie: just think there will be a baby soon

Danny: yes yes there will

Jessie: excited?

Danny: very!

I opened twitter and logged in tweet time.


Me and mrs O'Donoghue cannot sleep tweet us @jessiej

We had loads and loads then jess leant over

Jessie: everyone knows now we better say it before the pals do it for us

Danny: I have a picture of the scan on my phone I think

Jessie: good do it

I did as I was told


Right The Script Family....Heartbeats...Janny fans there is something me and mrs O have to tell you like she said before the paps tell you all. Me and Jess are expecting another little pride and joy...just one this time😉 4 months gone only another 4 to go we love you all thank you for all the support when we had the twins hopefully the same again this time @JessieJ @Shaya_O @Rosie_O #itsfamily #thisisus #somuchlove #newbaby #boy? #girl? 💑💙💖👯🙇🙆

That was are cue for bed🙆



Never Ending (Sequel To It Takes Two To Make Love Work) JannyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora