Chick flicks and Dads?

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The girls came home hours later my mum dropped them back but we were asleep, so she must have locked the doors and they were in the front room quietly when we walked down stairs I felt bad but they are sensible kids so, I knew they would be ok even if I did worry. Right now we were sat on the sofa watching a film something the girls chose to be honest I think Dan preferred watching the Disney films when the girls were younger, because he actually used to watch them now he will either stare into space or go on twitter, but when he’s watching a cute film with me he will watch it. Rosie is the one to speak up about this, I knew it wouldn’t take them to long to notice they hate it when he’s is on his phone or I am.

Rosie: Dad! Get off your phone!

Danny: sorry sweet, these chick flicks just aren’t my cuppa tea

Rosie: well I'm going to my room…

Danny: no Rosie wait

She walks off soon followed by Shaya, which leads me and Dan to follow up after them, we soon found them both in Rosie’s room but before we went in we listened to what they were saying so we didn’t make our presence known for a while.

Shaya: what’s up?

Rosie: nothing I'm fine just wanted some space

Shaya: oii were twins you know Identical I can tell when you’re lying

Rosie: we look the same our personalities are completely different

Shaya: still I know and you know when something is up with one of us so spill, I mean what did dad do that was so wrong, you don’t expect him to sit and watch girly films. Most dads wouldn’t even sit through it

Rosie: it’s not that, I love dad and I love the fat he bothers with us, it’s just hard you know. When he’s away and mums away I just miss them you know?

I looked at Dan and he gave me a week smile as I griped to his side and we carried on listening, to what they were saying.

Shaya: when they are away Rosie we have each other? Don’t we and we get to spend time with Nanny and gramps that’s pretty good and Auntie Holly and Uncle Glen? But they are never away for ages they come back and when they do they are always apologetic. And like I say all the time this life was there’s before we were in it if it wasn’t for the career than mum and Dad wouldn’t be together now so it’s a good thing and we wouldn’t be here. And what other kids get V.I.P to Beyoncé concerts ey?

Rosie: I know I wouldn’t like to be a ‘normal’ kid not that I know what ones like but still I wouldn’t change mum and dad for the world honestly and yeah I just want those times where we can all sit and hang out just the four of us…do you never feel like that?

Shaya: of course I do but we have to cope but it’s cool though and it’s the summer holidays now so we are with them all holidays so that’s gunna be good I mean we are going to America for 3 weeks think of that don’t you think that will be ace?

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