300 5 1


Jess left with the girls about 10 minutes ago, so now the time is on I have a lot to do and such a little time to do it in, I was already dressed as I got dressed when Jess did. So I slipped my shoes on and walked quickly to my can and drove to the Mall which was now closer to where it was when we lived in our old house which is good, two minute drive but hey. I parked my car in the car park, obviously luckily no paps were here as they had all followed Jess that was good I did not want them to see me today and I didn’t want to get caught up as I was cutting It fine already. I walked quick head down and straight to Top Man where I brought a new top jeans and shoes if Jess was buying something I hadn’t seen before then I better had too. I payed and walked to the jewellers where I had ordered a diamond necklace it was a diamond but also had a silver heart to keep it together. I picked it up and paid. I ran back to my car as I saw that a few people were looking at me as if to say ‘I don’t know if it is him or not I cant make sure or not’ so to stop people clicking and saying ‘yes it is’ i was done anyway so just got in my car and went to the flower shop, yeah I had a big order here. I got in and there was no-one in here so I was happy I went to the back of the shop and there was a woman behind the desk smiling.

Woman: hello, hmmm you must be Mr O’Donoghue?

Danny: certainly is me 

Woman: right so let me run through your order

Danny: ok thank you

Woman: 1000 rose petals red?

Danny: yep

Woman: ok that’s in a bag they are all fresh

Danny: ok that’s great

Woman: a big bunch of a 100 roses all tied nicely together with sparkled strings just like you asked, would you like me to read the message we put on just to make sure it is correct?

Danny: please?

 Now this is going to be really awkward isn’t it


Jess we have been us for so many years now and that will never change us is one thing now, I love you more than my life and this next leap we are making is so huge in our life’s I can’t wait, and I know you can’t either I love more than life it’s self-love you baby girl Dan xxxxxxxxxx…ect

Danny: perfect thank you so how much will that be then?

Woman: £72.50 please?

Danny: ok…….here

I hand her over the money before thanking her and taking out the flowers to the car and driving to Morrison’s. it really didn’t take me that long for me to get there as the traffic was good, for once n London. Pegging it in was the hardest thing when people were all staring. But I managed and got all the chicken and stuff for what I was doing for dinner which didn’t take me as long as I first thought it was even on the self-scan  yes an Irish man on a self-scan. I drove home with more time left than I first expected, probably because I was so awear I actually had time on me today and I wanted this to be so special. When I drove into the drive I parked it got all the stuff out the car and flung myself through the door. I placed all the shopping on the sofa and put the food away well I peeled and shopped veg and put the chicken in the oven before, getting my clothes and hanging them up encase they creased, then for the things I've been excited to do and I don’t even know why. I got the massive bag of telight candles out from in the sink and trailed them all the way up the stairs to the bedroom, I obviously wasn’t going to light them yet but still, I then ran up stairs and changed the bed in to something I brought earlier it was red and it was silk, ahh yeah Mr O’Donoghue can do romantic. And then I got the rose petals sprinkled a load over the bed and then along the hall way and down the stairs and I shut the door from the lounge because you have to go through the lounge to see the stairs so Jess wouldn’t be able to see. I made sure I had lighters ready by the stairs and then I set the table up cutlery wine glasses, Jess favourite wine in a bucket , you know one of the wine buckets? With ice and then more rose petals. The food was nearly done and it was nearly time for Jess to come home so I got changed in new everything really boxers the lot, done my hair and plated the food placing it back in the over to keep the heat I actually had butterflies just like our first date, I was ready the necklace was on the side and the flowers was in hand when my phone beeped.


I'm outside can I come in now? Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Instead of replying I took a deep breath and opened the door…my first thoughts were WOW she smiled at me and I kissed her lips before handing her the flowers she smiled widely before I moved aside to let her in, she had a white dress on skin tight short but not to short it outlined her still beautiful figure perfectly I closed the door and spoke up first .

Danny: isn’t my wife still as sexy as she ever was

Jessie: I could say the same about my husband, thank you for the flowers

Danny: it’s ok beautiful come on Dinners getting cold

I lead her through to the dining room and palled the chair out for her……a good night ahead


SOOOOORRRRRRRY for teasing you again ahaL


Never Ending (Sequel To It Takes Two To Make Love Work) JannyWhere stories live. Discover now