is whats on my mind on yours?

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It was so nice to just see Will here him sat with the girls and messing with them is so just like old times me and Dan always say we need to get the 4 of us back together it was just Tom and Will we were unsure on, we didn’t know if Tom or Will would be interested but there will always be a place in my heart for them and the same with Dan as well, Will treats the girls like his Nieces and Tom treats them like Grandchildren and that’s what makes me happy, no matter how long we haven’t seen them for nothing ever changes we all have a massive work load, and we all understand it.

Will: well dinner was lovely

Rosie: Uncle Will?

Will: yeah My mega dope fresh machine?

Rosie: when you leave will we not see you for ages again, we don’t want that

Will: well this time I'm gunna sort something out so that me your mum, dad and granddad Tom will see each other more often

Shaya: Really! You promise

Will: I have to talk to a few birdy’s first and I promise to call your mum or dad ok?

Rosie: and you cant break promises

Will: cross my heart hope to die

Rosie: ok, you better or else

Will: is that a threat mrs?

Rosie: no it’s a promise

Will: ouch you’ve been spending too much time around Mark and Glen


Will soon left and to be honest I was exhorted the girls were in bed not that long after and I was sat on the sofa with my blanket my legs over Dan and him lying on my stomach. I was almost drifting off but you know that feeling when you know someone’s going to speak, yea I had that so I was waiting for him to say something, he took in a big breath before kind of looking up at me so I looked down at him with tired eyes.

Danny: Jess?

Jessie: Dan?

Danny: we need to talk?

Jessie: about?

Danny: something’s been on my mind for a while now

I sat up at this and he did the same as he held my hands and looked at me he had nothing but love in his eyes so I knew that it wasn’t bad so i relaxed a little but I was still mixed about what he was going to say to me, I wasn’t worried but I was intrigued.

Jessie: go on?

Danny: ok, so do you remember that conversation we had when the girls were like, one?

Never Ending (Sequel To It Takes Two To Make Love Work) JannyWhere stories live. Discover now