10 Years Later!

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(10 Years Later)


So yeah it’s been a crazy few years to say the least, a lot of things have happened and a lot of things have changed but nothing to a big degree. Of course Rosie and Shaya have grown I would be a little worried if they hadn’t to be honest. Me and Jess are still as strong as we ever have been and we are all fine. When I say things have changed I mean yeah we’ve moved house but nowhere to far, not out of the loop we are in with family and friends and that. It’s even weird to think my daughters are 11 I know that scares the hell out of me. Both mine and Jess’s careers went back on track after 6 months off with Rosie, and are still going strong now. At the age of seven Rosie grew out of having a nervous system, thank god. Yes the years before that were hard and there were some battles we had to overcome, but we have never treated Rosie different to Shaya and that will never change. That’s Honest. Let me explain Rosie and Shaya’s personality’s to you, so start with Rosie she’s defiantly the one that speaks before thinking and runs before she walks, out of the two of them she’s the more strong willed and more argumentative than Shaya, but her hearts in the right place. And Shaya well she is the one that is more laid back and chilled, the one that would rather sit do her own thing. They may have slightly different personalities now but they are still as close as they were when they were little that’s for sure. When they were born they were the complete split of me and Jess but now they’ve grown up a bit they look more like Jess than me, they have some of my looks but not many they have my eyes and that’s it, so one really. It’s now the last day that Rosie and Shaya are going to be at the primary school so it’s there leaver’s assembly so of course me and Jess are going up to watch it. But first we have to get the girls up out of bed, and Jess for that matter we have had the past two days off as we both have bad colds, and that’s not that much good when you’re a singer. But still Jess was the first one I needed to wake up as she takes forever in the shower and doing her hair, so she was the first one but she loves me so she will wake up aha.

Danny: Jess, Babe….Baby wake up

She rolled over to face away from me, cheeky. So I leant over her and kissed her lips, of course that worked she smiled and pretended like she wasn’t awake so I did it again and I know she couldn’t resist. She rolled into my chest and stuck her head in there, no matter how tempting wrapping my arms around her and cuddling her is right now we need to get up and shower then wake the girls up. So much to do so little time because we have to get there stuff ready for this thing today. All our friends and family are meeting us there, and of course Harry was in it too as they are in the same year. I find it really weird how me and Glen both have kids in the same year and the same class. Rosie, Shaya and Harry are so close they honestly are like sisters to Harry and vice versa. I kissed Jess again as I pulled away she opened her eyes and did the usual pout. Before speaking in her bunged up morning voice.

Jessie: oii, it’s not nice when I'm ill you know?

She said in a jokey way and I chuckled at her childish pout she was still convinced I was taking as realistic, but she knew me better than that so stopped and looked up at me waiting for my reply.

Danny: I'm ill to, I know it’s not nice and as tempting it is to lie here all day and cuddle you, we have to shower before the girls need to be up, else it’s gunna be lonely showers.

I make a fake pout as I say that and then she says ok ok, and gets up, we get into our en-suit, we do this most mornings like we’ve done really since we got together all them years ago, that makes me feel old. Shit. We only had a quick shower because we really didn’t have enough time and all the steam in the bathroom was making us both feel even worse with our colds. We got out and quickly got changed before first I went to Shaya’s room, this job was never fun waking up the girls because they are exactly like Jess in that respect. I knelt down beside her bed and shook her lightly. She did the same as Jess turned over.

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