School Play

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Yeah so the car ride up to the school was the same as it ever is, the girls fighting over what song they want on so I just put it on shuffle and they don’t talk until we get there. Thankfully paps aren’t allowed in the school gates as they go to a private school. We drove in the big gates that’s soon shut behind us and parked up, soon spotting Holly and Glen of course with Harry and Lily. I seen my mums car so that must mean they have already gone inside and are seated. We got out the car with our heads down so people didn’t see us and walked in the school with Holly and Glen. We said goodbye to the girls because they had to get ready or something so we sat down at the back where my mum had obviously saved us a seat. We got a few odd looks for still having glasses on inside but what else could we do, we promised Rosie that we wouldn’t get seen. And that’s one thing I've never done with the girls, I've never broken a promise and I'm not about to start now, neither was Danny. My sisters were here and my parents of course Holly and Glen but the kids were at secondary school now so they couldn’t come, I haven’t seen them in over a month because every time I’m home there busy we have some serious catching up to do. I was almost afraid to speak because I know that as soon as I would open my mouth people would turn around because let’s face it I don’t exactly have the most discreet accent, to be honest neither does Danny. I sat back head on Dan’s shoulder because I honestly feel like shit, I don’t feel right at all. But before I could even close my eyes and rest them for five minutes, the lights went down and the play began.


We must have been sat there for 20 minutes before the play actually kicked in because before that it was all crap like, speeches from the teachers I did have to keep looking over at Rosie who I could tell was getting bored by the way her head was in her hands at times it did look like she was asleep. I wouldn’t blame her teachers babble and babble they were pissing me off with all the “um and errs” it’s like if your gunna do a speech at least prepare one. But soon the scenes started and things got Rowling it was actually quite well put together. Then the scenes we were waiting for happened, Shaya’s was up first. She came on she looked confident and that made me smile, she was on stage with this boy I saw Danny tense up, and I laughed.

Boy: So do you know where Tabitha is?

Shaya: where you left him?

Boy: yeah but he’s a cat he walks…so have you seen him

Shaya: I don’t know where your cat is…to be honest I don’t care?

Boy: I thought you were my friend

Shaya: well I am but, I have more important things going on in my life now that to worry about your cat?

Boy: like what?

Shaya: you know it’s your brother’s birthday next week, for god sake am I the only one to remember

Then Rosie walks on now this will be interesting considering she didn’t want to do it earlier…

Rosie: What’s going on?

Boy: hold on what brother are you on about I have 7

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