not wanting to go

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It’s been about a week and 3 days since that Tuesday night, and this two weeks cant be over quick enough they have dragged so much, of course we’ve done stuff with the girls, but today is their first day at their new school so we’re on the early run this morning, it’s 6.30 me and Jess are already showered and dressed hair done and everything. The girls were up and in the shower, because it was a half hour drive and we were all going there today just to drop them off and make sure they got there safe, it was a private school so it should be nice, well at the price we pay for it. Jess was making breakfast and I could smell it from here, bacon yes this woman knows how to please me without even trying, love her so much. One thing I hadn’t been on in about 2 weeks was Twitter I glided through some Tweets but I didn’t reply and I know my fans are missing that so while I'm waiting on the sofa I o it to my fans to tweet them a bit. Without them me and Jess wouldn’t be together I always say that and it will always be true. I logged on to my phone, and Twitter loads of things popped up you know when it says 20+ at the bottom it was like that, before replying I thought I’d send out my own Tweet.


Hey #TheScriptFamily how are we all? Sorry haven’t Tweeted you guys in a whole while but I have been really busy, with it being summer holidays and having two 11 year olds demanding your attention, it’s not the easiest but hey that’s life. I'm back to stay for a while before we are off to school….so chat me?

Yep just like I thought loads of Tweets I bet I wont even be able to make a dent in these..


Hey @TheScript_Danny done anything fun with Jess and the girls? This holidays?


Yeah we went to LA as most of you know and when we got home we did the basic swimming bowling ect, have you done anything nice?


Hey Dan how are you today, we have missed you loads


I'm good just a little tired but hey it’s fine. And yeah I know I missed you guys too but me and Mrs O’Donoghue have been really busy sorry


How’s my favourite Irish lad?


Haha I'm good thank you, yourself?


Are you doing a Uk/Ireland tour?


We will and the next album is in the making so when that one comes out for definite, cant wait to be back on stage again preforming :D


Mark and Glen have been on you were missing it was differentL


Like I said I'm honestly sorry

Before I could read anymore Rosie was calling for me

Rosie: Daaaaaaaad?

Danny: yeah?

Rosie: breakfast

Danny: ok

I decided to send out a tweet o say bye because it would be a little weird if I just left right?


Hey guys I know it was a fly in visit but I really have to go, Dad duties call….love you guys have a nice dayJ

I log off and walk back in to the kitchen and sit at the island with the girls and of course Jess

Jessie: you took your time

Danny: yeah I was on Twitter, I was tweeting a little but I said bye

Jessie: yeah I haven’t been on in like 3 days

Danny: I hadn’t tweeted in like 2 weeks, but if you don’t tweet for 3 days they think your dead

Jessie: I know right it’s a crazy world

Danny: maybe you shouldn’t be such a Instagram and Twitter addict then Mrs O?

Jessie: you wouldn’t have me any other way

Danny: to right I wouldn’t

Jessie: so?

Danny: so?

Jessie: I don’t actually know where this school is do you?

Rosie: I don’t want to go

Shaya: me neither

 Jessie: what? Why?

Rosie: we don’t know anybody all our other friends are going to the normal school, it’s not fair

Danny: you have each other right? That’s all that matters and Harry is going there, and you know why you cant go to a public school to many people there that know who you are

Rosie: UGH! Your never gunna let us be normal!

Jessie: stop it! Rosie I mean it, the amount of conversations we have had with you both about this whole thing is uncountable you both know why you cant go there and you know what people will say we are thinking of you when we say no ok?

Shaya: I just want to be normal is that to much to ask? You and dad both got normal surroundings when you grew up it’s not fair

Jessie: we weren’t famous then?

Shaya: neither are we

Jessie: yeah but you are though you may not have asked for it or it may not be recognisable but you are because of who we are you will love this school I know you will because the repirts are good and all the teachers are nice me and your dad have met them, do you really think that we would send you there if we weren’t satisfied?

Rosie: ok sorry..

Shaya: fine then we will have fun right make new friends and stick together yeah?

Rosie: yeah and Harry is there and not many people can say ‘I'm famous’

Shaya: yeah don’t go shouting that round and it’s a private school so it will either be filled with people like us or they could all be stuck up because ‘mummy and daddy give them everything when they click there fingers’ we’ll see

Danny: well that’s established if you go and be good and have fun, I will take you out for ice cream MacDonald and cinema later when your mums with Auntie Holly? Yeah?

Rosie: yeeeeeeah

Shaya: yueaahaaa


Here’s the update I had serious writers block today so it’s shit lol

Never Ending (Sequel To It Takes Two To Make Love Work) JannyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang