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So the end I actually had to drag myself out of bed, when the time came, but Jess did come home before twelve so we cuddles and the girls watched telly downstairs they were always so good when we were ill. To be honest I didn’t feel like going on the plane but I had to I hopefully would feel better when we got there that was my hope anyway. If you can’t hope or dream what do you have? We were currently just arriving at the airport of course surrounded by paps so me and Jess both were on either side of the girls I hated the girls being scared, as much as they tried to hide that they were scared me and Jess both knew it fazed them at least a little. As soon as we got into the airport we were guided down a different shoot after showing out passports, and soon we all got boarded on the jet that took of a little while after the girls were sat together and I was of course sat with Jess they were all shaking when it took off but calmed down a bit In the air. To be honest all I wanted to do was sleep I leant my head on Jess’s shoulder which was rare because she is normally the one leaning on me not that I minded but my head felt the same as it did this morning, not good. Jess was playing with my hair in attempt to try and sooth me which actually did. And the last memory I had from then was closing my eyes. And falling asleep.


It must have been four hours later when I woke up of course we weren’t there yet but I had a massive migraine now and the girls weren’t even asleep neither was Jess, I looked up at Jess who was still playing with my hair and she smiled at me weakly before speaking.

Jessie: how are you feeling babe?

Danny: like shit, babe have you got any tablets in your bag I could really use some right now?

Jessie: I think I do actually hold on

She leant down and opened her bag and popped out two tablets and gave me her water, I soon swallowed them and thanked her. I looked over Jess to see the girls to engaged in mine and Jess’s iPad’s, I think they were watching a film or something I love how they have to have both mine and Jess’s iPad they never can decide on the same film to watch so what’s the point in hearing them fight when we can make them both happy by letting them both watch different films ey? I kissed Jess quickly before leaning back on her chest as she resumed her earlier position by stroking my hair.


I must have dozed off again because the next thing I know I'm getting woken up by Jess who smiles again and tells me we are here, shit I must really not be well because I never normally sleep pretty much the whole way to America. I struggled up and we all wandered out to the Taxi that was waiting just outside the airport lucky there were no paps obviously they hadn’t caught wind that we  were here yet, and believe me I was more than happy with that. It didn’t take us long to get to the hotel I just wanted to go straight to bed I felt like, utter shit. To be honest I'm gunna go to the doctor get something stronger because these migraines have been going on for a while now.

Danny: Babe?

Jessie: yeah?

Danny: where is the nearest Doctor here?

Jessie: I'm not sure, why do you feel that bad?

Danny: yeah…these migraines are getting worse to the point I cant stand it

Jessie: hold on let me look on line, I will find out and book an appointment, go through to the bedroom try and sleep I will bring you some water yeah?

Danny: you’re the best thanks babe

She kisses me and I walk through to the bedroom after hugging the girls and saying I'm sorry, I know Its not my fault I'm ill but it didn’t stop me feeling bad they told me that I didn’t have to worry and that gave me some reassurance I suppose, that’s better than none right? Jess didn’t take that long to come In with the water in hand and sit on the bed before again speaking.

Jessie: right it’s about 15 minutes away you have an appointment tomorrow morning at nine, that’s the earliest one I could get is that ok?

Danny: thank you beautiful but you don’t have to worry about me at least you go spend time with the girls go get them some dinner or something I’ll be fine sleeping

Jessie: are you sure?

Danny: gorgeous yes I'm sure

Jessie: do you want anything to eat?

Danny: no I'm fine you three go and eat but I want cuddles tonight…Deal?

Jessie: that seems like a pretty good deal

Danny: I thought so now by princess

Jessie: bye babe, see you in a bit get some rest

Danny: I will see you later beautiful

Jessie: see you later

Then she walked out the room, I wasn’t hungry considering I hadn’t eaten today these migraines do weird things to me, I wasn’t having a joke when I said it felt like a hundred car alarms in my head, over the past few years my headaches have been slowly turning into migraines. I placed my head on the pillow and even on such a soft landing it hurt, weird I know. I closed my head in hope it would make me fall asleep. But Mr O’Donoghue doesn’t find things come easy obviously I tossed and turned for like an hour before the sleep took over me my energy just from moving around in bed made me exhausted. I closed my eyes and then it went black with sleep.


Hey I wrote this like a couple days ago it’s crap haven’t got the energy to re-read so yeah sorry it’s an update right? Comment your opinions and ideas means so much  

Never Ending (Sequel To It Takes Two To Make Love Work) JannyWhere stories live. Discover now