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Chapter One Hundred and Nine

“Tang Xuan.” Su Yuyang hatefully recited this name. “I should have guessed it was him. Aside from him, who would kidnap Xiao Miao?” Su Yuyang squatted on the floor in self-blame, saying regretfully, “I shouldn’t have let him go alone to the supermarket. If I’d been with him, Tang Xuan wouldn’t have had the chance to strike.”

“Why do you have so many regrets?” Feng Ji said gently. “The most important thing now is to find Tang Xuan and save Ling Miao.”

“Right, find Tang Xuan.” After Feng Ji’s reminder, Su Yuyang’s thoughts were less confused than before.

As if carefully planned, Su Yuyang’s phone rang just as he pulled it out in order to contact Tang Xuan. The incoming call was from an unknown number.

“Hello?” Su Yuyang’s voice trembled.

“Have you gotten the package?” Tang Xuan said in challenge.

Hearing Tang Xuan’s voice, the fire of anger instantly flared in Su Yuyang’s heart. He bellowed, “Tang Xuan, let Xiao Miao go!”

Quiet laughter emanated from Tang Xuan’s throat, full of mockery. Su Yuyang’s breathing grew heavier just listening to it. He could feel himself on the edge of breaking.

“Tang Xuan, you fucking talk to me!” Su Yuyang yelled into the phone, his voice so loud he might bring the building down around them. Tang Xuan’s manic laughter grew louder and he said viciously, “Tomorrow morning, nine-thirty, at the Mountaintop Gardens. I’ll wait for you there.”

“Tang…” Su Yuyang was forced to swallow his words as the other party hung up. He looked at the words ‘Call ended’ on the screen. With no other outlet for his anger, he threw the phone at the ground to vent.


His repressed regret was awakened again by Tang Xuan’s call. Su Yuyang, who had been teetering at his breaking point, finally couldn’t control his emotions any more. With all his strength he gave an ear-splitting yell. Feng Ji’s heartbeat rapidly quickened in his fright.

An Yan looked worriedly at Su Yuyang. He moved close to Feng Ji’s ear and said, “Boss, aren’t you going to console him?”

Feng Ji rubbed his temples and said in frustration, “Aside from catching the person who kidnapped Ling Miao and putting him in front of Su Yuyang and giving him a good beating, what can soothe his heart which has gone off the rails?”

Su Yuyang must have been tired. After he quieted down, he sat unmoving in a corner, his ordinarily clear eyes covered with a sheen of deathly stillness. Tears glistened in his eyes.

Feng Ji walked to Su Yuyang’s side and placed his hand on Su Yuyang’s shoulder. He squeezed gently. “What did Tang Xuan say?”

“Tomorrow morning, half past nine, at the Mountaintop Gardens.” Su Yuyang repeated Tang Xuan’s words.

“The Mountaintop Gardens?” Feng Ji said softly, his brow furrowing thoughtfully.

The Mountaintop Gardens was a park, but it was located in a dense forest halfway up the mountains and it contained many twisting and hard-to-walk pathways. Aside from a small badminton court, there were few signs of habitation.

Tang Xuan had arranged to meet Su Yuyang at the Mountaintop Gardens and it definitely wouldn’t be at the badminton court.

No one knew what could happen in a dense forest. If Tang Xuan acted cruelly, no one would even know how Su Yuyang and Ling Miao died.

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