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Chapter Fifty-six

“Did you think my surname was Lin?” Ji Linxi laughed unkindly: no wonder Yan Li had called him ‘Linxi’ from the start.¹ She had thought that was his full name.

Yan Li knew she’d made a moderate faux pas, but embarrassment flashed across her face for only a split second before she returned to her usual confident self.

Linxi, Linxi. Since she had already gotten used to it, she wouldn’t bother changing what she called him. As for what Ji Linxi thought…

Ah, he won’t dislike me just because of what I call him, right? That’s not right. I’m not close to him, so why am I thinking about it so much? But I’ll feel uneasy if I don’t think about it—very uneasy in a lot of ways. Motherfucker, it’s the feeling of one hundred thousand ‘fuck you’ horses thundering through my heart.

Countless thoughts flashed through Yan Li’s mind. Every time a new one appeared, the frustration on her face intensified. Ji Linxi watched her, baffled.

“You’re not agonizing over what to call me, right?” Ji Linxi’s smile reached his eyes, the upward turn of his lips mesmerizing.

Yan Li huffed heavily as if conceding Ji Linxi’s point. Ling Miao asked curiously: “It’s just a name. What’s there to agonize over?”

Ji Linxi and Yan Li rolled their eyes at him at the same time, provoking Ling Miao to cry out: “Damn, you two don’t have to be so in step, you know? Or do you just have a spiritual connection when it comes to tormenting me?”

Yan Li hummed and said with satisfaction: “Maybe we’re this in step about everything.” Strands of sweetness wrapped Yan Li’s heart, but she simultaneously noticed a scent of danger. This danger was about Ji Linxi.

It’s like… I have feelings for this guy! Thinking this, Yan Li reflexively smiled. Ling Miao couldn’t stand it any more: “Yan-jie, your smile’s too cloying! Put it away, put it away.”

Yan Li picked up a tissue and tossed it at Ling Miao, saying: “‘Too cloying,’ you say. I think you’ve eaten too many sweets!”

“How do you know I meant sweet and not oily?”² Ling Miao teased.

Ling Miao gave a long and meaningful smile. His gaze hovered between Yan Li and Ji Linxi, as if Ji Linxi and Yan Li were a loving couple currently displaying affection in front of him!

Yan Li turned to ask Ji Linxi: “Ji Linxi, do you think my smile is sweet or oily?”

Ji Linxi was surprised that Yan Li would turn the conversation to him. He stared at Yan Li, carefully considering, before saying: “Sweet.”

“Do you like it?” Yan Li asked casually.

Yan Li’s words instantly froze the atmosphere in the car.

Ling Miao’s gaze continued oscillating between Ji Linxi and Yan Li. The difference from earlier was that he was now completely shocked—surely Yan Li didn’t have a crush on Ji Linxi?

Ji Linxi’s expression hadn’t changed too much; he probably wouldn’t be perturbed even if the sky fell. Hearing Yan Li’s question he smiled faintly: “As long as your fans like it.”

Yan Li froze. This question was an objective one: even though there were two choices, there was only one answer. But Ji Linxi had twisted the question into a subjective one and given an answer from his heart.

Yan Li had forgotten that if the question was objective, she should have laid out the choices, not hidden them.

Ji Linxi had given Yan Li an unexpected answer, but Yan Li kept the conversation going. She asked: “Will you become my fan?”

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