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Chapter Fifty-nine

“If you’re asking me to sound out Ling Miao’s feelings for Su Yuyang, I’m telling you now—forget it!” Ji Linxi smiled faintly as he looked at Feng Ji, ridicule plain on his face. Feng Ji froze. He guessed Ji Linxi’s thoughts and grimaced: “You’re right. Xiao Li and I care about Yuyang because we’re close friends, and you and Ling Miao are also close friends. Everything Yan Li and I do, we do hoping that Yuyang can escape from these emotions which are about to make him snap at any time. What you do, you do to protect Ling Miao. It’s only natural that you’re not willing to help me.”

Ji Linxi narrowed his eyes at Feng Ji. Feng Ji was speaking casually but Ji Linxi could tell he was hiding unease and frustration. Ji Linxi patted Feng Ji’s shoulder and consoled: “It’s best to let them solve their own problems. Even if Ling Miao’s interested in Su Yuyang in that way, what can you do? Encourage Su Yuyang to pursue Ling Miao? Looking at Su Yuyang, he’s confused. If you forcibly open a way for him not knowing if it’s right or wrong, what happens next will be beyond your control. If the end result isn’t one you want, who’ll you go crying to?”

Feng Ji lay down spread-eagle on his bed and said helplessly: “Only Su Yuyang knows how he feels about Ling Miao, but… Su Yuyang doesn’t know, either. Xiao Li and I guessed he likes Ling Miao, but he’s a blockhead, and if you don’t tap him a little and provoke him a little he might go a lifetime not understanding. By the time he gets it, Ling Miao might have already gotten married and had kids.”

“Honestly, I did suspect before that Ling Miao had feelings for Su Yuyang,” Ji Linxi suddenly tossed out. This seemed to energize Feng Ji, who cried out excitedly: “Surely not? Then you…”

“Then I quickly decided otherwise.” Ji Linxi followed up by pouring cold water over Feng Ji, thoroughly cooling Feng Ji’s heart. Feng Ji sat up on the bed, glaring at Ji Linxi who laughed: “I remember one day when Ling Miao came back early from Su Yuyang’s place. He was very angry, like he wanted to skin Su Yuyang and use his skin to make clothing, but the moment he got a text from Su Yuyang he went running straight back. He said he was worried Su Yuyang would die from low blood sugar. After that, a few other things happened that made me think ‘Ling Miao likes Su Yuyang like that.’ Then Ling Miao moved out of Su Yuyang’s house and I got the message loud and clear: Ling Miao’s concern for Su Yuyang is that of a fan for his idol, and an employee for his boss.”

Feng Ji completely gave up the notion of asking Ji Linxi to probe Ling Miao’s feelings on the matter. Now, he even considered telling Yan Li to put a stop to the plan, which was very likely to fail. But knowing Yan Li, she’d only end the plan once Ling Miao had returned to Su Yuyang’s side.

Ji Linxi saw Feng Ji go silent for a long time and also noticed the hesitation in his eyes. He suddenly asked: “Feng Ji, did you ask Su Yuyang before what he thinks of Ling Miao?”

“About Ling Miao… Su Yuyang’s talked to me twice about him. I told him both directly and indirectly that he might’ve fallen for Ling Miao, but he didn’t take it to heart at all.” Feng Ji’s smile grew even more helpless. “Maybe Yan Li and I really got it wrong. But then how do you explain everything he does to Ling Miao? For someone to pester someone else like Su Yuyang is doing—they have to either hate the person, be interested in the person, or have made a bet with someone. Thinking about these three scenarios, the only possible one is that Su Yuyang’s interested.”

“I…” Ji Linxi was cut off by Ling Miao’s terrible scream from downstairs.

“Su Yuyang? Su Yuyang?” Ling Miao frantically called Su Yuyang’s name as if his beloved was about to die in his arms.

Feng Ji and Ji Linxi exchanged a look and rushed downstairs.

Su Yuyang was lying in Ling Miao’s lap as Ling Miao looked on helplessly, frantically called his name. Feng Ji and Ji Linxi exchanged a look in tacit understanding. Feng Ji’s eyes were delighted while Ji Linxi wore a despondent smile.

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