To be... (When you are lost)

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51k views, 1k votes, 1k comments. Words cannot express how grateful I am towards all of you.

Why is this fancy? I have no idea.

Still, thank you (again) so, so so much----



"Huh? Heh, what do you mean?"

"I mean what I mean. Ink's been lying to us, or has no idea what's going on. I... I suspected this a long time ago, but I never really bothered to look into it, until now. Blue's even confirmed it."

"Blue? As in Blueberry? Stretch's little brother?"

Lust stared at Dream, trying to see if he was lying. It was plausible, right? But... He would rather take this solution, this promising truth, over the queries he answered himself, since no one wanted to approach him, let alone strike a conversation. This truth might be their way to equality, so no one would ever repeat Error's actions. May his SOUL rest in the afterlife.

A foundation of lies. That's what they were standing on, and this partnership of theirs, it was the first step, the first pebble tumbling down the pile.

"Yes, Stretch's little brother. I'm pretty sure he hates all of us here." Oops. They had completely quashed Blue's free will.

Dream felt Lust's disbelieving aura, and said, "Ink doesn't have dreams. The only one he had, really the only one, was the voice of someone whispering to him, something about the Rules of the Multiverse. Everyone has dreams. Even if you don't remember them."

His phalanges dug through the tough fabric. Surprisingly, it didn't hurt when he chipped through bone, a slow staccato beat of dust clogging the fibers.

"We have to do... Something. Anything. Everyone's biased, even me."

How to do this? How to continue? In the spur of the moment, a sudden surge of Determination, everything seemed so clear- and he was as sure of himself as he was sure of the existence of a twin brother. It was one of those ideas which whittled down to nothing but doubt and uncertainty and uneasiness over time.

Step one... Step one? Was there a step to take? Yes, there had to be- Expose. How? Blue magic? His was too weak, Nightmare's was always stronger. Error had strings. He had his arrows. Yes, arrows, they could do something, right? Positivity used on a soulless Monster. Effect: Null. He could work with that. Ink trusts him, but an arrow to the chest, although it deals a great amount of damage, will still allow him to counterattack.

And Ink's attacks are ridiculously hard to dodge. He comes at you with a direct attack, but can just as easily fling the paint on his brush at you if the first strike fails to make contact.

Lust patiently waits for Dream to continue his statement.

"Exposing Ink is priority. Using violence won't do anyone any favors. It's going to be hard; we'll have to recruit more people and somehow sneak in an attack showing his lack of SOUL. Stay positive, am I right?" He ended with a nervous chuckle.

The other skeptically raised a bone brow, and replied, "All right, but if you're lying, I will find every single piece of blackmail I can find on you. You'd be surprised at what you can find in one night."

Thus, the second member of what was hereby and forever known as the Lucid Dreamers came to fruition, with Lust as the second-in-command and Dream as the leader. Their goal?

Undecided. Well, apart from the whole expose-Ink-to-take-down-the-imbalanced-social-hierarchy scheme, but that was still in the works.


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