Calmly Panicking

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Error stepped into the portal with no regrets, no regards towards the complete and utter disrupting of the Balance that was going to occur soon enough if the squid didn't open his eyes and use his stupid head.

The warm, white light washed over him like the wind in the reeds, an invisible, almost non-existant pressure rolling over him and twirling through his bones before leaving in a ripple of air. He felt the abnormaly heavy load of fate lighten until it felt like nothing was there. He felt the light wash away the glitches that crowded his body; it lifted his sins off his back, erased the heavy burden he carried and would carry for eternity and then some. He knew that Nightmare would follow him, grateful for a companion for the trip.

But then... He thought of the rest of the Gang and Blue and his dear brother again, and how selfish this was, and looked back.

He let out a sharp curse as he saw Nightmare being yanked back by what looked like a red light, reached his arm as far as he could to just try and take back what was his. He couldn't step out of the door; it was slowly sucking him in, as if his choice was final and couldn't be changed, and he could only watch in despair as Nightmare fell further from his faltering reach and was pulled into his own transporter.

A flash of white light in a dank back alleyway later, Error was infinitely thankful for the dirty and torn mattress that somewhat cushioned their fall, although he ended up looking like a badly plucked chicken. He spat out a mouthful of rank feathers and dusted off the grimy down attached to the siblings who were marveling at the change of scenery.

Leaving them to their own devices for a moment, Error summoned the CHECK box and codes of the new universe.

>NaJ spinoff, otherwise known as 'Highschool Alternate Universe [AU]'
He sped through the names, the files, the deepest, darkest corners of the world, the history, the quirks, what was normal and what was not, and, after a few minutes of intense reading and 'hacking', decided that even though they looked somewhat normal (as normal as a traumatized trio scarred mentally and physically can get), they lacked backgrounds, Error had a namesake who lived in the same town he was currently in, and the bundles in his arms (who were having fun poking at a mouse) were nameless.

This work was not to distract himself from Nightmare's disappearance. It wasn't to bury regrets. It wasn't. No way in hell. It was simply to get a read on their situation.

Choosing to ignore the tension in his joints, he asked, "iT lOoKs LiKe YoU tWo ArE sTaYiNG wItH mE. FoR tHat, YoU'Ll nEeD nAmEs."

The Sans looked at him and pointed to each other respectively, "S_01A, P_02C."

Error chuckled and shook his head. He really should've finished off the bastard. "No, AcTuAL nAmEs."

S_01A pointed at Error with an innocent look. "Name?" he inquired.

"YeS, NaMe. MiNe iS ErRoR. YoU'lL neEd mUcH nICeR nAmEs, Of cOuRSe..."

"No! I like Ewwor name!"

The now confused skeleton shook his head. "No, mY nAmE iS nOt A nIcE NaMe, anD..." he faltered when he was suddenly shot by a pair of illegally cute silver puppy eyes.



Damn it.

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