Heat, Bones and Civil Wars

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How good it felt, having complete control over someone who hurt others.

Now, Error's judgement was not blind or biased on the facts laid before him (which weren't much to go on). He did not know Gaster's side of the story, although his actions were terrible.

But that didn't mean that it wasn't satisfying.

To be truthful, Error missed that feeling, the asserting dominance over one's culmination of being.

He planned to abuse that feeling to the max, hypocritical or not.

"AnD prAy tElL, WhAt mAkeS yOu tHinK ThAt yOu HAvE tHe rIgHT To tAkE thEm aWaY fROm mE?" Error snarled, raising Gaster slightly above ground level.

"ꀤ ꀸꂦ ꌃꍟ꒒ꀤꍟᐯꍟ ꓄ꃅꍏ꓄ ꌃꍟꀤꈤꁅ ꓄ꃅꍟꀤꋪ ꉓꋪꍟꍏ꓄ꂦꋪ ꒒ꍟꍏᐯꍟꌗ ꎭꍟ ꍏ ꉓꍟꋪ꓄ꍏꀤꈤ ꍟꈤ꓄ꀤ꓄꒒ꍟꎭꍟꈤ꓄ ꓄ꂦ ꓄ꃅꍟꎭ," Gaster smirked devilishly, despite the fact that his life was on the line. Already small trickles of blood trailed from his grinning mouth, expression barely hiding the pain he was surely in.

"ToO bAd. I AcT iN tHe fAvOr oF tHe kIdS, noT ThEiR 'OWneR'." He put quite an amount of emphasis on the word 'owner'.

Meanwhile, Grillby was frozen in disbelief and fear behind the counter, deciding wisely to stay out of the conflict unfolding before him.


Geno's eye twitched uncomfortably. This place wasn't suited for him.

He could only watch the chaos destroy countless things in the manor. It was as if a violent storm had swept through the living room and left, not without touching and breaking everything in it's path.

And who the storm was, you may ask?

Why, it was no other than the Bad Sanses.

And it all started with a hidden stash of chocolate.

Somewhere along the line, one of them ate Cross's limited edition chocolate, resulting in a full-out battle and a civil war, ending with a drinking contest and a lot of swearing.

Now, Geno was stuck in between Horror, who was asleep and clutching the newcomer's arm, and Nightmare, who was unconscious from the amount of alcohol he consumed. Seriously, who in their right mind would chug three bottles of rubbing alcohol? 

The bright side about this predicament was that he got away with the criminal act of robbery.

Yes, he was the culprit.

On second thought, Geno fit in perfectly.

"GiVe mE oNe GoOd ReAsON whY i ShOuLDN'T KiLl yOu oN tHe SpOt," Error spat at his prey.


Brows furrowed, Error flung the scientist out of the homey restaurant and into the cold and biting air outside, where Gaster crashed into a pile of snow.

-2 HP

"ꃅꍏꃅ..." he gasped, propping himself up, "ꀤꌗ ꓄ꃅꍏ꓄ ꓄ꃅꍟ ꌃꍟꌗ꓄ ꌩꂦꀎ ꉓꍏꈤ ꀸꂦ?"

Suddenly, the inconspicuous floating wings on either side expanded into huge, giant purple imitations of tangible dragon wings. Flame-like magic licked the borders of the frame, swirling and dissipating into thin air, the area now dense with magic. "ꀤ ꍏꎭ ꁅꂦꀤꈤꁅ ꓄ꂦ ꍟꈤꀭꂦꌩ ꎭꌩꌗꍟ꒒ꎇ."

With a bone-chilling grin, he summoned his Gaster Blasters.

The floating dragon skulls were almost the same as the average Gaster's, save for the purple-coated tips on top. Their gaping maws, dripping with bio-luminescent saliva, efficiently created a blinding white ball of light, gathering energy and almost ready for release.

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