Death's Match (request)

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Requested by: @SpectralParadoxTiger
Pairing: Error x Reaper
@ScarlettDoodles added the detail of Error being a former Geno <3

This story will be told in the perspective of the narrator (maybe some fourth wall breaks).


The God of Death.

Everyone respected him, but out of fear.

I mean, who could blame them?

He could kill you with a brush of his fingers, a swipe from his famed scythe, and passed judgement on you in the afterlife, determining your fate.

Mortals and Gods alike tended to stay away from him, the singular interactions being humans offering sacrifices and Gods coming to reprimand him for being lazy or to add to his workload.

Life was the only exception.

But then, she's missing.

Gone. Disappeared into thin air.

And, just like that, Reaper felt so alone. Of course, his dear brother relieved some of the solitude, but it just wasn't the same.

(There was that Christmas party he went to a year or two ago. Geno really piqued his curiosity- and love interest- but it was clear that the bleeding skeleton had despised him.)

He admitted that he had a slight crush on the goddess (not that he would tell any of his fellow co-workers).

And that's how he found himself once again in Life's sacred garden, in the middle of wilted plants, careful to not damage anything else. He twirled the delicate crystal flower in his hand, the light reflecting and casting small rainbows against the trees.

That was the gift Life had given to him before the incident.

That damned demon.

He rubbed the bridge of his nose with his index and his thumb, remembering the trouble that thing had caused.

He was so deeply consumed in thoughts of hatred that he certainly didn't expect a portal to form right above him and drop a glitching skeleton right on his head.

That skeleton was no other than Error, the infamous Destroyer of worlds, the one being outside of his universe that held an equal amount of power, or just a little less. (Not acknowledging the fact that he might be stronger than you, huh?)

What shocked him even more was that he hadn't died.

Error, excluding the painful landing, was very much alive.

A strange feeling washed over Reaper, like some sort of shock mixed with contentment and... Embarrassment? Well, it sure felt like it.

Anyway, that feeling ceased at the drop of a hat.

'Reaper,' he mentally chastised himself, 'What are you doing? He's your enemy, for Asgore's sake!'

While the glitch was still on all fours on the lush grass and flowers, groaning and rubbing his skull, the god took the opportunity to whip out his 'scythe' and press it against Error's neck.

"Don't move. You might lose your head," he whispered next to the intruder.

Widened sockets turned to laughter, then a lazy but serious expression.

"GoOd LuCK wItH tHaT."

Another fluctuating portal opened beneath their feet, sending them crashing into the cold floor of the Anti-Void, resulting in more pained moans (not like that, you dirty-minded people) coming from the small heap in a face plant.

"I NeEd To WOrK On tHoSe GoDDaMn LanDiNgS..." He muttered to no one in particular.

Reaper's wings were furled upon himself, shielding him from the hard impact.

Peeking from his safe haven, the God saw something absolutely adorable and hilarious.

Rarely anyone ever saw Error, yet he was famed for his incredulous deeds. Few have met the Destroyer and lived to tell the tale, hence the lack of details on his description and also because Ink was way too angry at Error to give away any details. (His memory of a goldfish also conbtributed to the blank profile.)

But now he was less than a meter away from the Destroyer, and the first thing he remarked was his height.

So tiny!

(Kind of like Geno. I wonder how he's doing.)

Or maybe that was because Reaper was taller than the original Sans...

Anyway, he slowly approached the struggling tangled heap of clothes and bone, looking for an area to poke.

A small opening presented itself before him, and he took it.

A pale finger contrasted on the outcode's dark forehead.

That weird feeling, a tingling in his SOUL, came fluttering back. Time slowed, his heartbeats strangely loud. A soft ringing pierced his hearing, so, so different from the cold silence of the Anti-Void. He felt his magic rush to his cheeks, painting them a vivid blue. His wings folded upon his back, before unsummoning themselves.

He didn't die.

Error didn't die.

Reaper was filled with wonder.

That day, when the dark gray skeleton ran away, Death swore on his life to find the Destroyer and make him his.



Did I just make Reaper a Yandere?

Sorry if this story doesn't make much sense ^^;
I can always remake it :>

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