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Lily's Pov

Tonight's the night. The Purge. There were so many people I wanted to kill. To get back at. But I can't go out there alone. I have to convince my best friends, Summer, Jennifer, and Kayla. It shouldn't be hard to convince Jennifer. I think she said she would do it awhile ago. Summer shouldn't be hard ether. I think she be the one not to kill anyone but just tag along for advantage. But Kayla......Ya it's gonna be hard to convince her. She's the sweet, caring one out of the group. She wouldn't hurt a fly and the purge scares the living shit out of her. How could I convince her to come with me and watch me kill people?

Let me just make this clear....I'm not crazy or a murder. There's just been a lot of people who have gotten on my bad side and I just want to give them what they deserve.

"Do you guys think people will come after us?" Kayla asks worriedly.

Me,Jennifer,Kayla and Summer were all hanging out at my house. They would always sleepover the night of the purge. I don't know how that started but we do it every year.

"No Kayla." Jennifer replies and rolls her eyes. We were all up in my room doing nothing. Jennifer was laying in my bed looking at her phone, Kayla was sitting in my bean-bag chair bitting on her fingernails and asking a bunch of stupid questions about the purge "Do you think we're gonna die?" "How many people do you think are going to die tonight?" "Do you think any kids from our school are gonna die?" "Do you think someone's gonna try and break in?" We have to listen to that all night long., Summer is siting on the floor on her lap top and I'm looking through my closet trying to find the weapons I hid in there along time ago.

"Lily what are you even doing?" Summer asks looking up from her laptop.

"Ya you've been looking through your closet since we got here. What are you looking for?" Jennifer asks as she stands up and walks over to me.

I sigh and turn around to face them. "I'm gonna go Purging."

Jennifer's eye grew big "You are not."

"I am." I turn and walk to my drawers to find the knife I hid in there.

"Lily that's crazy. You're going to get yourself killed." She says as she follow me. "Who are you planing to kill anyway?" Right after she said it she already knew the answer. "No..."

"Jen you know what he did to me. He deserves to be killed." I say. I find the knife I hid and clutch on to it.

2 years ago on this very night, when I was 15, mom was killed. He went crazy and pulled out a gun. My mom kept yelling "Lily! Anthony!Run! Hide!" I ran to my "secret hideout" that I had since I was a kid. I had a little door in the ceiling in my closet that led to the attic. No one knew about it but me. My brother, Anthony ran to his room and went went out the window. He pointed the gun at my mom's head.

"Please don't do it." She said with tears running down her face.

And with a bang....... He shot her. Then he left. My dad.

Him and my mom got into an argument. It wasn't just any argument. It was a full on fist fight. He would hit her, push her to the ground, shoved her into walls. Even before the fight he would abuse her. He would also abuse Anthony and I. I would hid in my "secret hideout" just to get away from him.

My brother was 18 when that happened. After he ran away he never came back. I don't know what happened to him. I don't know whether he got killed or if he ran away for good. I have lived here alone for 2 years. Jen offered to move in with me but I would rather be alone.

"Well then" Jen takes the knife out of my hand "I'm going with you."

"Are you gonna help me kill him?"

She shrugs "Actually...there's one person I would like to kill."

I smile and turn to Summer. "Summer you in?"

"Hell ya." She replies and stand up "I don't think I'll kill anyone but I can help you figure out a plan."

I smile at her and turn to Kayla "Kayla?"

She stand up from the beanbag chair "I don't think this is a good idea..."

I raise an eyebrow "Come on Kayla."

She sighs "oh all right. But I'm not killing anyone." She says as she point her finger at us which cause me,Jen and Summer to laugh.

"Well girls" I say and put my arm around Jen "looks like we're gonna go Purging"

Bad Girls Bad Guys (Purge/Kian Lawley/Sam Pottorff/Jc Caylen/Connor Franta Fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt