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Kian's Pov
"Do you guys really think this is a good idea?"

There goes Connor again. The Purge freaks him the fuck out and knowing that me and Jc are going out purging makes him freak out even more.

"Connor, for the 100th time, we're going" I say as I load my gun.

"Connor," Jc says as he puts his hind on his shoulder "We'll be fine. We've been training for months" he karate chops Connor in the shoulder, starts going around the room acting like a ninja then tries to do a chart wheel but fails miserably and ends up falling on the floor.

"Well...I'm defiantly more worried now."

"Don't worry Connor. I'll be with him." I say while laughing

Connor rolls his eyes "Like you're any better."

"Really? Well watch this." I try to do a backflip off the wall but end up failing like Jc did and falls to the ground. I'm pretty sure I almost broke my arm.

"See, what did I say." Connor sass while laughing

"Shut up." I groan.

Sam, who has been standing off to the side watching me and Jc fail miserably, comes over and helps us up.

"I mean Connor has a point. You two are terrible together. You're extremely loud and childish. You'll end up getting caught some how."

"That's not true!" Me and Jc say at the same time.

Sam laughs, "whatever you say." He says then walks into the kitchen.

"Why are you even going anyway?" Connor asks

I sigh "Again, I've told you millions of times, there's people that we want to get back."

"Like Andre-" Jc starts to say but I then put my hand over his mouth.

Connor's facial expression changes, "you wouldn't"

Before I could even respond Connor starts going off on me. This is the reason why I didn't tell him who I was going to kill.

"You're not gonna go kill someone just because they broke up with you. Wether it's Andrea or a complete stranger, it's not right to just kill someone. Jc please tell me you're not gonna gonna kill who I think you are..."

Jc doesn't respond.

That's when Connor loses it

"Jc really? Lia? She's younger than you. I thought you both were better than this. I-"

"Connor, chill-"

"Don't tell me to chill."

"Connor listen, you don't know everything."

Connor crosses his arms "Then pleaaaase give me a good reason why you should go, risk your life and kill them" he says sarcastically

"Andrea cheated on me..." I say while looking at the ground.

Connor's expression doesn't change "ok..still don't understand why killing her is the best option."

"She was my first love. I gave everything to her. She lied and told everyone that the reason we broke up was because she thought I was cheating on her while I was on tour but she was actually the one cheating. "

I could see that Connor felt bad. This was the reason why I loved Connor. No matter who you were and what you did he cared. He cared how people treated you and who you felt.

"I know that killing her isn't the best thing to do but it's the only way I can give her what she deserve."

Connor ignores what I said "Jc, why are you going after Lia?"

Jc runs his hands through his hair "She lied to me. She used me. She was with for the fame and the money. She tried getting at Ricky and my other friend multiple times while we were together."

"Same thing with Andrea." I add.

"Sam what do you think about this." Connor asks as Sam walks back into the room with a can of soda.

"I'm going." Sam says as he takes a sip.

"What?" The three of us say at once.

Sam shrugs, " At first I didn't think it was a good idea but the more I thought about it, the more I thought about how there's a few people I could get back at."

"Like who?" I ask

"That dumbass who would always bully me back in high school."

"Sam, that was years ago. How do-"

"He still tries to on Twitter. He'll always tweet me saying "Still dumb like before" or "I don't know why you're even famous." And dumb shit like that."

"You want to risk your life for a hater?" I ask

"Kian, you know he's not just a hater. He would always pick on me and beat me up. You should know, you were always the one standing up for me and I wanna kill that dumb bitch Acacia."

I burst out laughing, "and why do you want to kill 'that dumb bitch Acacia"?"

"Shes a dumb bitch that used me for fame and then after she got big enough she dumped me" he says as he takes a sip of his soda.

"You guys are crazy." Connor says and starts to storm off to his room

"Like there's no one you would want to kill." I say to him

Connor stops dead in his tracks and turns to face us again. "There's not." He says with his hands on his hips.

"Lies" Jc says

"I'm a lover, not a...killer."

"Why the fuck you lyinnnn." I start to sing and Sam and Jc join in. "Why you always lyinnnn. Mmmmmmm oh my god. STOP FUCKING LYINNNN."

"Fine fine fine. There is."

"See, I told you." I say

"But..doesn't mean I'm going to."

I roll my eyes "Come on Connor, you know you want to."

"Come on Connor. Even if you don't kill anyone you should come with us." Sam says.

"No no no. Not happening." Connor says and starts to walk off again.

"Connor. Connor. Connor-" Jc starts to chant and me and Sam join. "Connor. Connor. Connor"

"Ok ok, I'll go but I'm not killing anyone."

I smirk, "you won't be saying that when we get out there."

Note: sorry it took me so long to update.

Bad Girls Bad Guys (Purge/Kian Lawley/Sam Pottorff/Jc Caylen/Connor Franta Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now