21 1 1

Note: sorry I've kept you waiting.
Warning: May be triggering.

Jen's Pov
As I was getting everything ready, I started thinking about the whole situation. I needed to make sure Lily knew what she doing. Don't get me wrong, I love her to death, but the more I thought about this, the more I had so many questions that needed to be answered before we actually get into this.

"Hey Lil, can you come help me real quick?" I ask.

Lily looks up at me from her guns she was loading and nods. She then follows me into the bathroom across the hall and I shut the door behind us.

"What's going on?" She asks with a confused look.

I sigh, "Before we get into this, I need to ask a few questions."

"Ask a way" she replies while crossing her arms and leaning against the wall.

"How do you know your dad is even still here?" She looks down at the ground "If he's done something that serious, he would have left."

She doesn't answer for a while. We stand in silence.

"Do you trust me?" She asks.

I hesitate, "What?"

"Do you trust me?"

"Yes, of course but wha-"

"Then trust me on this."

"Lily, this is serious. We can't be risking out lives on someone who might not even be here."

"We're not!" She raises her voice "even if we don't find him, who cares. You also said you wanted to." I stay silent. "And I know who."

Last year, I was at my locker switching out my binders when I see Brock Myles, the quarterback of the football team. Every girl wanted him and every dude wanted to be him. He had luscious blonde hair and blue eyes you can get so deeply lost in. I was head over heals for him, it was a mistake. I never thought I had a chance with him, even though I was a cheerleader at the time. He had a new girl every week and would fuck a new girl every weekend. I've heard so many stories about how much of a fuckboi he is, I didn't listen. I let my feelings blind me. One day he slid into my DMs saying:

"Hey, I've never got the chance to talk to you, but I think you're cute and would like to get to know you"

I remember when I got this message and I was so excited that THE Brock Myles thought I was cute and wanted to talk to me, so of course I started talking to him. DMs turned to text messages, text messages turned to phone calls, phone calls turned to facetimes, facetimes turned to hanging out, and hanging out turned to dating. We were the power couple of the school, everyone admired us and thought we were the cutest couple. Little did I know, dating him would become the worst experience of my life.

One day, Brock invited me over to his house to "hangout", but I didn't know that his intentions weren't to actually hangout but to fuck. I arrived, he told me that his parents weren't home, I was a little nervous but brushed it off. We have only been dating for a few months, but I really really liked him. I of course thought about having sex with him, but wasn't really sure if I was ready.

He leads me to his room to "cuddle and watch a movie". He puts some movie on his tv and we cuddle on his bed. I lay on his chest with his arm around me. I fell so in love with that moment, I didn't want it to end.

Half way through the movie, I catch him looking at me from the corner of my eye.

I look at him, "what?" I ask giggling.

He looks deep into my eyes "you're just so beautiful" he then kisses me and puts his hand on my cheek.

It quickly heats up and turns into a make out. I then feel his hand go underneath my shirt to take it off. At that moment i realize that I wasn't ready.

"Brock, I don't think we should do this" I say in between kisses, thinking he would stop.

"No babe, it's fine" he says as he continues to kiss me. "You know you want to" He then starts kissing my neck.

I gulp, "I don't" but he ignores me and continues. He then takes my shirt off.

"Brock, stop" but he doesn't. He flips over so that I'm on my back and he's above me.

I start tearing up, I didn't know what to do. "Please stop." I raise my voice, hoping he would hear me, he ignores me again. He goes to take off my pants and I try to get up, but he pins me down. I try to get out of his grip, but he's too strong.

"You'll change your mind when I get started" this is the saying that constantly haunts me.

He continues to take my pants off, along with my underwear. At this point I'm bawling and begging him to stop. He takes off his pants, along with his underwear and rapes me. As he does this, I cry. I felt helpless. No matter what I did, he wouldn't stop.

After he's done and puts his clothes on, he grabs my clothes and throws them at me.

"We're done. If you ever tell anyone about this, I'll ruin your life. Now get out of my house."

I quickly put my clothes, that he took off with out my permission, and left. On the way home, I had to pull over because I was crying so much. I didn't know what to do. I was scared to tell anyone because I know what he was capable of. Everyone at school loves him, they would do and believe anything he said.

After this happened, I became so depressed that my grades began to drop and I quit cheerleading. I hated going to school everyday, knowing that I had to see him. Knowing that he got away with what he did. He was a monster. The word got around that we fucked. Dudes would congratulate Brock for getting in my pants and girls would call me a slut. My parents began to ask questions, I played it off like nothing happen and that I was fine. I wasn't. No one knew, I didn't want anyone to know. I was embarrassed and scared.

I finally got the courage to tell Lily about it. She's the only one that knows. She helped me through it. She tried to get me to say something, but I just couldn't. I still never said anything. It's too late now. I regret never saying anything. I've over come the situation, but there's still something there. A feeling that I just can't get rid of. Now I realize, the only way I could lift this weight on my shoulders is to kill him.

"Let's do this"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2017 ⏰

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